Pregnancy and Excited Insomnia

It’s pretty much guaranteed that I will wake up at some point in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. At first I regularly awoke at five o’clock in the morning. As the baby grows my nightly bathroom break has moved more regularly to three o’clock in morning. Largely this regular occurrence rarely disrupts my sleep too much. Last night, however, after my early morning bladder relief I could not get back to sleep. I was experiencing a slight case of insomnia. I tried and I tried to doze back off to sleep for two hours. Finally, at … Continue reading

Should I Use Natural Beauty Products?

When we become pregnant, we suddenly become more aware of the foods we eat and the products we use. Companies making natural beauty products tout their brands as the healthier choice. You may be wondering if you should switch from your traditional health and beauty products in favor of natural products. It turns out, there may be cause for alarm. When you read the ingredients on your shampoo bottle, hand cream or other products, you will notice a few things. One is that few of the names listed can even be pronounced. There are an astounding number of chemicals used … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Review for November 24 – 30

A wide variety of topics have been covered recently in the pregnancy blog on everything from trying to conceive to discomforts in later pregnancy. If you haven’t been able to keep up with your reading, the pregnancy blog review is a great way to browse the recent topics. Click each link to view the entire blog. Some women find they are hungry much more than usual when they are pregnant. Indulging this hunger without thinking about nutrition can lead to excessive weight gain. This increases your chances of complications in the pregnancy and makes losing the weight after pregnancy much … Continue reading

Natural Remedies for Insomnia

Most pregnant women experience insomnia at some point in their pregnancies. For some, insomnia can become a serious problem. When you consistently lose sleep at night, it will affect your life during the day. You may feel tired in the day time and experience mood changes. Taking over the counter or prescription sleep medications is generally not considered safe during pregnancy. The side effects with some of these drugs makes them unsafe. Others haven’t been studied on pregnant women, so doctors are hesitant to recommend them to patients with insomnia. The best bet is to try some natural remedies to … Continue reading

The Natural Healing Debate

Herbal healing can be a somewhat controversial subject. To some people, natural remedies are outdated and useless. To others, natural remedies are far superior to manmade medicines and invasive treatments. I like to take a middle ground, and use natural remedies to supplement other treatments. You may have seen my occasional struggles with sinus infections here in the Health Blog. Because I’ve had chronic sinusitis and ended up having surgery to cut away infected tissue in my sinuses, I try to be very aware of what’s going on in my sinuses. At the first sign of pressure, I break out … Continue reading

Lemon Balm

Shortly after I graduated college, I got a summer job at a 1800s historical park. One of the houses boasted a lovely little herb garden, and my favorite plant in the garden was lemon balm. It smelled like a combination of lemon and mint; I was always cutting bunches and hanging them to dry in the restored cottages. Lemon balm has been around for at least two thousand years. Greek and Roman scholars took note of the plant and used it for a variety of remedies, including dog and scorpion bites. Arabs used the plant to treat heart disorders and … Continue reading

When Your Partner Experiences Pregnancy Symptoms

Is your partner feeling sick in the mornings or gaining weight with you? If so, he may be experiencing Couvades Syndrome. Couvade means “to hatch” in French. There is some controversy over the existence of the syndrome. Some believe it is not real and the sickness and weight gain are the result of anxiety. Those who have experienced Couvades Syndrome are not convinced. To these couples, whether the cause is physical or emotional, the symptoms are very real. Further study is being done in this area. In the meantime, the debate about the authenticity of Couvades syndrome continues. Some men … Continue reading