Oh Those Maternity Clothes

Maternity clothes. These words can elicit squeals of excitement or gasps of horror, depending upon who you talk to. Some people have the bodies and the financial resources to rock the most amazing fashions during their pregnancies. Others have limited resources and can afford to purchase only a few basic items and wear them in heavy rotation. Whatever your situation, know that there are clothes out there for pregnant women of all tastes and budgets. When I was pregnant the first time, my budget for maternity clothing was limited. Good thing I saved those clothes though, because by the time … Continue reading

How to Save Money On Your Maternity Wardrobe (and still look great!)

Considering you only need to wear maternity clothes for a season, it’s hard to justify spending a lot of money on your maternity wardrobe. Fortunately there are ways to spend less and still look great! Borrow When I was pregnant with my son, I had two friends who were pretty close in size to me, and they were gracious enough to allow me to borrow their maternity wardrobes. I ended up with a packed closet and more maternity clothes than I could ever imagine. Some of the clothes were hard to return because I loved them so much! If you … Continue reading

Oh Baby! Giada’s Pregnant and Nancy Has Twins

Celebrity chef turned “Today” show contributor Giada De Laurentiis is having a baby. And to illustrate just how skinny she is, the almost 5-months pregnant Food Network hottie says she hasn’t had to buy maternity clothes yet. (If De Laurentiis wants to keep her female audience she should really think about limiting those types of comments.) What’s more, the good-looking TV chef revealed that she has been giving into her starchy cravings for months. I must say I was stunned when I heard the news. Giada is my favorite Italian chef. I have a couple of her cookbooks and am … Continue reading

Getting Enough Rest

When you are pregnant, it is important that you get plenty of sleep. After all, your body is working hard day and night to grow your baby, in addition to performing the other activities that you do every day. In a perfect world, once you became pregnant your schedule and list of obligations would adjust accordingly, providing you with plenty of time to sleep as much as you felt like sleeping. Unfortunately, that is not the case, but there are a few things that you can do to ensure that you get the rest that you need while you are … Continue reading

She Ate What?????

After you give birth to your baby, you give birth to the placenta that nourished your newborn during his time in utero. A growing number of women are having their placenta processed into pills that they take during the postpartum period. Why on earth would anyone want to ingest their placenta? A placenta is very rich in nutrients – it is the means by which nutrition from the food that a mother eats during her pregnancy is transmitted to her growing baby. Research has shown that consuming encapsulated placenta can ward off postpartum depression and give new moms an energy … Continue reading

Fashionably Pregnant During Wedding Season

It’s wedding season, and you’re pregnant. If you have a wedding (or two, or three) to attend this summer, don’t despair. Here are a few tips for staying cool and comfortable while looking fabulous. Dresses look beautiful on pregnant women. Whether you need a sundress for a casual day time event or a maxi dress for an elegant evening affair, you will be able to find something that fits your body and your budget. Depending upon how far along you are, you might want to try shopping in the non – maternity dress department before looking to a maternity clothing … Continue reading

How Did You Know?

Some women claim that they knew that they were pregnant at the precise moment that conception occurred. I am not one of them. With both of my pregnancies, I was none the wiser until almost two months along. With my first pregnancy, I first became suspicious when my husband and I went out to breakfast one day. I love the taste of coffee, but on that day I thought that my coffee tasted absolutely revolting. I asked my husband whether his coffee tasted funny and he said that it did not. Discussion turned to why I was all of a … Continue reading

Pregnancy: The Good and The Bad

Isn’t the beginning of pregnancy funny? You feel like your stomach is growing right away. It certainly feels different. Regardless, you know that everyone else sees a typical figure; and unless you’re a celebrity, they’ll suspect bloat or a big lunch before they ever suspect a baby. It’s hard to look halfway: to be too big for your normal clothes and not quite big enough for your maternity wardrobe. I was seventeen weeks along before the mailman who delivered to my office each morning finally felt comfortable extending his congratulations. Apparently he had congratulated a new mom on her pregnancy … Continue reading

Do You Feel Beautiful When You Are Pregnant?

Over the past few years, as many of my friends have gotten pregnant and had their own families, I’ve gotten to witness a wide variety of reactions to the changes that happen to a pregnant woman’s body. Some women embrace their new curves and flaunt them with fitted maternity clothes. These are the same women who eagerly take photos of their growing belly every week. Some avoid wearing maternity clothes until the last minute, wincing at their growing reflection in the mirror. You’ll be lucky to see their baby belly in their profile picture. Some hardly think twice about what … Continue reading