Our Sixth Prenatal Visit

This may have been the longest three weeks that I have experienced in quite awhile. I have been a little anxious for this prenatal visit given my last prenatal visit and my excessive weight gain. I have been meticulous these last three weeks about my diet, writing everything done in my food journal. Hopefully the scale will speak for all of my hard work! We arrived for our sixth prenatal visit a few minutes early, I headed for the carriage house bathroom with determination because I really had to go! Once again my urine was spot on (all the colors … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Food Journal

The first time I ever kept a food journal was when I was trying to lose the weight I had gained with my first baby. As I competed in a nine week “Biggest Loser” challenge at the school were I taught, I found the food journal to be an essential tool in my weekly success (I ended up winning the competition too). I started keeping a food journal again just before I became pregnant the second time. My husband and I were trying to get pregnant again and I wanted to make sure I was eating as healthy as possible … Continue reading

Our Fifth Prenatal Visit

Once again three weeks have come and gone and it is time for our fifth prenatal appointment. I do not have any major concerns going into this appointment and I am excited to see how my baby is doing! We arrive at the appointment a few minutes early. While we were waiting my husband took our son outside to run around and I collected my urine sample for the midwife to check once she was done with her other client. As my husband and son came inside the other pregnant mom was finished and leaving. The midwife checked my urine … Continue reading

Rubella in Pregnancy

When you visit your health care provider for a pre conception visit or your first prenatal check up, he may take blood. A variety of tests are done. One of these is a rubella titer. This is a test to check for immunity to German measles. Although rubella is rare, contracting it during pregnancy can be very dangerous to the baby. It is a particular concern in early pregnancy when the effects are most severe. When rubella is contracted early in a pregnancy, there is a risk of miscarriage, developmental disabilities and several other birth defects, also known as congenital … Continue reading