A Visit With Our Midwife

I had a wonderful experience with my pregnancy and with the birth of my daughter. I found a marvelously well informed and experienced midwife to attend my unborn baby and I. We planned and achieved a fabulously peaceful and intimate home birth. Through the course of my pregnancy and in the early weeks after my daughter’s birth, we developed a great relationship with our midwife; she really feels like family. I occasionally make an effort to drop by her home and office just to say hello and so she can see how much my daughter (and son) has grown and … Continue reading

Our Eighth Prenatal Visit

Three weeks have come and gone once again. This is our last appointment with a three week interval. From now onward we will meet with our midwife in two weeks and then every week until the baby is born. This particular day is a busy one for us so we awoke earlier than normal. After a quick breakfast of Greek yogurt, I exercised right away while our son slept and my husband worked on his dissertation. I wanted to get my workout done before the appointment because I wanted to avoid not being able to squeeze it in after the … Continue reading

Our Seventh Prenatal Visit

The morning of our seventh prenatal visit has arrived far more quickly than I had anticipated. With my recent return home from an extended visit to my sister’s (ten hours away), I feel a bit disorganized and ill prepared for today’s appointment. Sleeping in certainly did not help my feelings of unpreparedness, as I rushed around preparing breakfast and getting things together for our visit (while my husband took a business call which threatened his ability to come to the appointment at all). In the end my husband inhaled his cold omelet and threw on some shoes just as our … Continue reading

Week Thirty

Here I am in my thirtieth week of pregnancy, which presents itself as a huge milestone in my mind. Now the countdown to our daughter’s birth really begins. I began week thirty while visiting my sister, brother-in-law, and baby niece. Spending time with my sister is rare treat. Seeing her nearly five weeks postpartum and already fitting into her pre-pregnancy jeans is very motivational! She is just starting her postpartum exercise routine and I am continuing my prenatal exercise routine. We have been able to motivate and support each other in our fitness journey even though we are at different … Continue reading