Our Eleventh Prenatal Visit

These weekly visit come and go in the blink of an eye. It is astounding how quickly time seems to be going now that I am nearing the end of my pregnancy. Our last prenatal visit began with an ultrasound to check the position of the baby and the fluid levels and ended with our midwife coming to our house to get a feel for the flow of the space. Before we head off to our visit with the midwife, I wake up early to get in a workout before we leave knowing that the day is going to be … Continue reading

Our Tenth Prenatal Visit

It has been one short week since our last prenatal visit with our midwife. This visit was a little different than our previous visits because it began with a thirty six ultrasound. Our midwife likes to have a quick ultrasound done at around thirty six weeks to check the baby’s position and the amniotic fluid level. Thus, our tenth and first weekly visit began at the ultrasound clinic. Our midwife met us at the clinic. All four of us headed into the exam room (although it seemed more like a nice sitting room). The technician began the ultrasound and immediately … Continue reading