Canadian Moms to Receive Finland Baby Boxes

Mothers in Canada are about to start receiving the popular maternity package that mothers in Finland have been receiving for 75 years. It is a maternity package from the government that is designed to be a starter kit of baby supplies. In Finland, an expectant mother will be given a box full of baby supplies by the state. This tradition dates back to the 1930’s, and is given to all infants in Finland, from all social backgrounds. The Finland Baby Boxes includes the following items: * Mattress, mattress cover, under sheet, duvet cover, blanket, sleeping bag/quilt * Snowsuit, hat, insulated … Continue reading

The Sugar Rush Cometh

It’s Halloween in spring; otherwise known as Easter. Only, instead of going door-to-door to collect sweet treats, kids run around like decapitated chickens hunting for plastic eggs filled with chocolate goodness under bushes, in trees and behind rocks. If parents are lucky, their children will actually make it back to the hunt’s home base with at least a few pieces of uneaten candy to show for their efforts.  The unlucky moms and dads are left to pluck their kids from wherever it is they decide to plant their tiny tushes mid-hunt and picnic from a basket bulging with marshmallow chicks, … Continue reading

Your Back to School Savings Strategy

The average parent spends $600 to get just one child ready for school in the fall. You can greatly reduce this cost if you follow our step-by-step back to school savings strategy. 1. Make a list Most schools post their school supply lists online to make it easy for parents to shop ahead. If yours doesn’t contact other parents to get an idea of what your child will need to bring to school in terms of pencils, notebooks, crayons, etc. Do the same with clothing. How many shirts, dresses, pants, socks, shoes and other clothing items will your child need … Continue reading

Let Your Age Work for You

Instead of bemoaning the fact that you aren’t getting any younger, celebrate it, especially if you love to travel. Times are tough; the economy is in the dumpster and no one seems to know when the nation’s financial situation is going to improve. However, that doesn’t mean you have to put the brakes on exploring the four corners of the globe. If you are 50 years or older, travel discounts are easier to obtain now than ever before. One of the best ways to score discounted travel is to join the American Association of Retired Persons or AARP. Known as … Continue reading

Get Ready For Baby – Fill Up That Freezer

As you near the end of your pregnancy, you have probably been thinking a lot about whether you have everything on hand that you will need once your baby comes home. Clothing, diapers, and other baby essentials are important and it is good that you have thought about what kinds of things you want to have at home in advance of baby’s arrival. There is one thing that many people may not think about, though. When you come home with a newborn baby, neither you nor your spouse or partner is likely to feel like cooking anything for the first … Continue reading

Tips For Better Sleep During Pregnancy

If it feels like you have not slept well since you got pregnant, you are not alone. Pregnant women often have trouble sleeping. The good news is, you do not have to suffer from lack of sleep for your entire pregnancy. Try these tips to help you rest a little bit easier. One major cause of interrupted sleep during pregnancy is that your constantly active bladder that has you running to the ladies room all day long does not take a break at night. You will probably find yourself waking up at least a couple of times each night to … Continue reading

Common Pregnancy Myths

As soon as you (or your belly) announce to the world that you are pregnant, the flow of unsolicited advice from everyone – even complete strangers – begins. As you are bombarded with this “information” on a daily basis, it can be hard to sort out what is true and what is not. It is also important to realize that much of what is said is based upon the opinion of the person saying it and that you are the best judge of what is right for you and your baby. Here are a couple of the more common pregnancy … Continue reading

Disney on Ice 2012-2013 Season

A new year means a new group of Disney on Ice shows debuting for the public. All right, I know we’re over halfway through the year, but so many interesting things have been happening with Disney so far in 2012 that this got pushed back to the list. Plus, it’s unlikely that, given how new most of these shows are, they’re going anywhere for a while. Speaking of shows that aren’t going anywhere: Disney on Ice: 100 Years of Magic is still going strong. It started in 1999 to commemorate the Disney legacy, and although it’s sometimes toured under a … Continue reading

Pack Your Bag It’s Time To Go

If you are getting close to your delivery date, it is time to pack your bag for the trip of a lifetime. Before you drag out your suitcase and start tossing in your sunscreen and beach blanket, I should tell you that it’s a different kind of trip. That all important trip to the hospital (if you are planning to give birth at a hospital) where you will give birth to your baby. In the interest of full disclosure, I must say that with both pregnancies I did not pack my bag for the hospital until right before I left. … Continue reading

Off to the Races

If you’ve waited this long to go back-to-school shopping, may the force be with you. Be prepared to dig through Halloween candy and costumes to get to the pencils, notebooks and binders featured on your child’s school supply list. Retailers have no mercy on procrastinating parents. Most erected their school supply displays at 12:01 a.m. on July 5th. Heaven forbid you dared to actually savor the season outside with your family at that time instead of huddling around shelves covered with highlighters and glue sticks. Tardy shoppers are now being forced to employ a GPS to find pink erasers and … Continue reading