Placenta Encapsulation

I first heard about placenta encapsulation during the second trimester of my second pregnancy. One of my close friends had just had her third baby and she decided to have her placenta encapsulated for the first time. My friend testified to the immense health and recovery benefits received. My initial reaction was part disgust and part inquisitiveness. Consuming one’s placenta seemed a bit strange but it has numerous benefits to the post-partum mother. I began my own research on the subject and soon discovered for myself the healthful benefits behind placentophagy. My research told me that the placenta provides a … Continue reading

She Ate What?????

After you give birth to your baby, you give birth to the placenta that nourished your newborn during his time in utero. A growing number of women are having their placenta processed into pills that they take during the postpartum period. Why on earth would anyone want to ingest their placenta? A placenta is very rich in nutrients – it is the means by which nutrition from the food that a mother eats during her pregnancy is transmitted to her growing baby. Research has shown that consuming encapsulated placenta can ward off postpartum depression and give new moms an energy … Continue reading

The First Week Post-Partum

The first week after giving birth to my daughter was filled with an array of a new kind business. I was not running errands or wrapping Christmas presents. I was busy changing my newborns diapers (and my own maxi pads … it is just part of giving birth). With changing diapers came changing outfits many of which where quite large on my seven and a half pound baby. I was busy sitting and nursing my newborn daughter and my uterus was busy contracting down. I was busy not doing housework. It actually takes a lot of work to tell some … Continue reading

The First Days Post-Partum

The day of and the day after my daughters birth were marked by significant and abrupt changes. My body underwent a tremendous transformation in a matter of hours. The most obvious of course was that I was no longer pregnant. I still felt heavy in my abdomen and pelvis. I experienced a lot more discomfort after my daughter’s birth than I did with my son’s birth. Thankfully, I was able to rest with my newborn while my husband and family attended to our needs. The only time I had to stand and walk around (which seemed more difficult the second … Continue reading

After the Birth

Once our daughter was born, I enjoyed several blissful minutes bonding with her and encouraging her to clear her lungs. Soon it was time to deliver the placenta. The umbilical cord was clamped and cut and the baby went to the nurse. I stepped out of the pool and delivered the placenta (it was easy and painless) into a stainless steel tub. My midwife checked it over to make sure it was intact, and after collecting a sample of cord blood, she put it in a plastic storage bag for the placenta encapsulation specialist (who came and processed my placenta … Continue reading

Pregnancy Reflections: Diet

The word “diet” is derived from a Greek word that means “way of life.” As the New Year approaches many of us will reconsider out diets and make New Year resolutions to improve our “way of life.” When we consider our diets especially during pregnancy, we must keep in the mind the ancient origin of the word; a way of life, and not merely a temporary period of time used to lose weight, grow a baby, etc. I have learned a lot about the importance of diet as a “way of life” in the last few years. My first pregnancy … Continue reading