The First Six Months of Breastfeeding Part II

Usually, when she is hungry she focuses and empties the breast quickly. If she cannot focus on nursing than I figure that she is not very hungry and we try again later. She has also developed signals that she wants to nurse. She will twist herself into nursing position and fuss excitedly. Although she cannot sign yet, it seems like she does recognize the sign for milk. Her response to the sign is to wave her arms and kick her feet while making a very earnest facial expression and excited sounds. Occasionally she will grab at my top in an … Continue reading

Breastfeeding Rates Are at an All Time High

According to the CDC, about three quarters of new moms at least attempt breastfeeding for a little while. This is good news for the CDC, good news for hospitals and doctors and good news for newborns! Education The CDC attributes the rise in breastfeeding to several factors. The first is various education campaigns to get out the news that breast milk is the best possible foods for infants. Some of these campaigns have been very controversial. . .such as the ad that showed a pregnant woman riding a mechanical bull. The message was clear that you were putting your child … Continue reading

Living with Dogs Might Improve Baby Health

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a real reason to keep our dogs around our babies? Some people are terrified of the idea, thinking that it’s dangerous to let dogs around small children. At first it’s best never to leave dogs alone with babies, to make sure the animals know to be gentle around them. However, we pet owners know that some dogs are great with babies. There have already been some studies about how being around dogs in the first year of infancy can help reduce the chances of a child later developing allergies to dogs, but what about … Continue reading

Preparing to Breastfeed

Breastfeeding is a foreign concept to many new moms-to-be. The majority of babies are fed formula, so a woman is not likely to see a whole lot of nursing happening around her throughout her life. When I took a breastfeeding class while I was pregnant, the instructor asked, ‘how many of you have ever seen a mother nurse her child?’ Out of the whole room, only two or three women raised their hands. Because of this, breastfeeding can be hard for new moms because there is not a lot of support for her in terms of advice and help, because … Continue reading

Too Much Lipase

My daughter rarely takes a bottle. My fulltime job is staying home and taking care of her, so there isn’t any need for her to get nourishment from any place other than me. Every once in awhile, however, I get curious about how she’d handle taking breast milk from a bottle. For about a month, I was pumping and storing milk in case of an emergency. I figured if something happened to me and I’d be unable to breastfeed her, it would be nice for her to have a little comfort from breast milk while she was slowly weaned off … Continue reading

All You Need is Love (and Diapers)

A friend of mine recently announced her pregnancy and I could not be more thrilled for her. She also shared her concern that she would not be able to get all the frills she’d seen in another friend’s nursery. What’s a mommy-to-be to do when handcrafted sleigh cribs, designer duds, and Cadillac strollers just aren’t in the budget? If you think babies have to be super expensive, think again! Budget Baby Rule #1: Fancy clothing is optional. Let’s get real here; most of those cute baby outfits do nothing more than slow down diaper changes and irritate new baby skin. … Continue reading

How to Have a Natural Birth in a Hospital Part 1

Many mothers and most proponents of home birth would argue that the current medical model of maternity care in the United States makes it difficult to have a natural birth in the hospital. Interventions are so routinely used in some hospitals that it is almost impossible to make it through the birth without any. However, with some planning it is possible to have the birth you want. The two most important factors in having a natural birth in a hospital setting are the health care provider and hospital in which you will deliver. In the first part of this blog, … Continue reading

Jobs in Disaster Relief

As much of the world has done, I have watched in horror the utter destruction of parts of China which has overshadowed the tragedy in Myanmar by its press coverage. I have a close friend in China right now. She is safe, but was near the quake and has shared briefly that there is utter destruction and hopelessness all around. She is a trained EMT and can help, but as a foreigner is powerless to do so unless invited. In honor of her, and the recent tragedies that have occurred in Asia these last two weeks I’ve decided to write … Continue reading

Is An Internship Really Worth It?

Internships, are generally unpaid positions (or they pay very little) doing necessary but menial work in a particular field. Generally they are offered college students. Despite their lack of pay, this is one invaluable experience that you shouldn’t pass up if given the opportunity. An Incredible Learning Opportunity Often internships give participants the chance to learn some incredibly interesting material. While it’s true that you may spend some time doing menial tasks, you’ll also spend some time learning the ins and outs of an office in your chosen career. Generally, people at an internship are open to questions and so … Continue reading

Politics 101: More on McCain’s Platform

This is the last and final blog on McCain’s position on various issues. For those of you who are thinking that I highly favor the candidate–well, I’m not saying. But I will say that I will give equal blog time to the other candidates as well. I think it’s important to have a good overview of each candidate and their positions on various issues before you can make an informed choice on who to vote for. *Strict Constructionist–This is perhaps one of the most glaring differences between McCain and the other “major party” candidates. A strict constructionist philosophy essentially means … Continue reading