First U.S. Baby Born After a Uterus Transplant

TIME reported that, for the first time in the United States, a baby was born to a woman who had a uterus transplant. The birth took place at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas. TIME protected the privacy of the woman and her husband in order to protect their identity. This was the first birth of the hospital’s ongoing uterus transplant clinical trial. The women who participated in the trial have absolute uterine factor infertility (AUI). This could mean that their uterus is nonfunctional or is nonexistent. Some of the women in the program have Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) which causes the … Continue reading

The Truth About Your Diet During Pregnancy

One of the assumptions I made about pregnancy prior to becoming pregnant is I’d have a diet-related Get out of Jail Free card.  I knew that there are certain foods it’s best to avoid, but I thought at least I’d have a free pass to eat, well, not quite as much as I wanted, but to feel a bit more guilt-free about evening ice cream binges. That turned out not to be the case at all.  First off, the whole “eating for two” thing isn’t true.  At most, you should eat for one and a quarter.  In addition to that, … Continue reading

Insurance Blog Week in Review – May 6 -12, 2012

Once a week, the Insurance Blog Week in Review gives you a brief description about everything that hit the blog in the past seven days. There could be anywhere between twelve and fourteen different blogs appearing in that amount of time. What did you miss? Here is your chance to “ketchup”. Oregon has Insurance for Growers of Medical Marijuana It is similar to a crop insurance policy. This specialty type of insurance is to provide some protection for people who are growing marijuana that is going to be used for medical purposes. It provides some finances to help if the … Continue reading

Pregnancy During December

Now that I am well into my thirty seventh week, I am truly enjoying and appreciating the cold weather! With my first pregnancy, it was the height of summer in West Texas when I was thirty seven weeks. It was just plain uncomfortable! There was only so much clothing one can remove to deal with the heat. With this pregnancy the colder temperatures facilitate much better sleep and much less swelling. Feeling cold is a welcomed experience! It is really nice to be able to layer my clothing especially with my very large pregnant belly (most of my tops are … Continue reading

Post Pregnancy Showers

For all you ladies out there looking to give birth on 11-11-11, you’d better get conceiving, pronto. If the romance of Valentine’s Day is not enough incentive to get the room rockin’, then consider the fact that ddisgraced figure skater and convicted felon Tonya Harding will be joining the ranks of motherhood in a few short months. Really. The 40-year-old shamed skater, who masterminded the attack on fellow Olympian Nancy Kerrigan, recently announced that she is “super excited” about her first child. According to tabloids, Harding’s baby daddy is a 42-year-old Portland, Oregon, repairman. If you are looking to send … Continue reading

Pregnancy the Third Time Around

I am in the stage of life right now where I could easily talk myself out of having another child. As I have blogged about before, it’s hard to know when to have another baby. But, I do know that I want another one. But, there are a few things that worry me. * Three seems like a crowd. While I have plenty of people in my life that have 3 or more kids, it just seems like a lot of little people to tote around. I envision myself trying to make a simple trip to the grocery store with … Continue reading

Pregnancy After Age 50

In one of my favorite movies, Father of the Bride Part II, Diane Keaton and Kimberly Williams play a mother and daughter who conceive around the same time and give birth on the same day. Keaton’s character, Nina, suspects menopause, so it’s assumed that she must be in her fifties. In the US, giving birth beyond age 50 is fairly rare, but it happens more than it used to due to fertility treatments, which allow women of “advanced maternal age” to use the eggs of younger women. Pregnancy in the sixth decade is extremely risky. Surprisingly, risk increases significantly between … Continue reading

Pregnancy: There’s An App For That!

“There’s an app for that.” It’s become such a popular phrase that it has inspired websites like (App For That) where people can submit their own “app for that” scenario. And pregnancy? There really is an app for that! Pilates and Pregnancy Sarah Picot is a Pilates instructor and an author. She created the ever popular Pregnancy Pilates DVD and has now released a new app for the iPhone called Pilates for Pregnancy – Complete. It’s not just an exercise app, it’s a pregnancy planner as well. It even includes a photo album. The planner includes a to-do list … Continue reading

Avoiding the Pregnancy Conversation Trap

If two people are having a conversation and at least one of them is pregnant, the conversation will most likely go in one of four directions. Negative: 1. The pregnant woman will ramble about her pregnancy and the other will get sick of hearing about it. 2. The non-expecting party will keep asking about the pregnancy, and the pregnant women will get sick of talking about it. Positive: 3. The discussion will be completely overtaken by baby talk and neither party minds. 4. Both parties avoid the subject altogether. This happens when one or both parties are either not interested … Continue reading

Fun Pregnancy Facts

I’ve scoured the world wide web looking for fun and interesting facts about Pregnancy to entertain you. Enjoy! Did you know… The number of cesarean births has risen to 27% over the last decade. That’s an increase of 40%! Cesarean risk goes up as women age, and with all the woman putting off children for their careers, perhaps this has something to do with the increase in c-sections? The average age for a first time mother is 25-29. It used to be 21 in 1970! I was 25, so I guess I fit the bill! My childbirth class teacher reported … Continue reading