The Pregnancy Blog Review Dec 20 – 30

The holidays are always crazy, but never more exhausting than when you are pregnant. The pregnancy blog review is a great place to get caught up on your reading while relaxing with your feet up. A range of topics have been covered recently. When we learn we are pregnant, we suddenly worry about any potential risks to the baby. This usually includes illness. Pregnancy and the Chicken Pox addresses prenatal exposure to this fairly common childhood illness. Some couples choose a holiday get together as the time to share the news of their pregnancy. Sharing the News on Christmas Day … Continue reading

Rubella in Pregnancy

When you visit your health care provider for a pre conception visit or your first prenatal check up, he may take blood. A variety of tests are done. One of these is a rubella titer. This is a test to check for immunity to German measles. Although rubella is rare, contracting it during pregnancy can be very dangerous to the baby. It is a particular concern in early pregnancy when the effects are most severe. When rubella is contracted early in a pregnancy, there is a risk of miscarriage, developmental disabilities and several other birth defects, also known as congenital … Continue reading

Pregnancy and the Chicken Pox

The chicken pox is never fun. Prior to the vaccine, most of us got the chicken pox as kids. It was uncomfortable, but rarely dangerous. The virus is always more serious for adults, but particularly pregnant women. Fortunately, about 90 percent of women are immune to the chicken pox. For these women, there is very little risk of catching the virus during pregnancy. However, if a woman has made it to child bearing age without being exposed to the virus, this can be a cause for concern. Approximately 1 in every 2000 pregnant women will catch the chicken pox during … Continue reading

Chickenpox Vaccine

Raise your hand if you’ve had chickenpox. I sort of had it twice — my father had it when I was a baby, and my parents tell me I had the rash on my rump. I had it again a few years later, and suffered through the itching by getting painted with calamine lotion. Chickenpox (varicella) is a very common childhood disease; it seems to get harder to deal with as the patient gets older. The disease is most dangerous to infants and adults — as many as 100 people die because of chickenpox here in the U.S. Around twelve … Continue reading

Does Your Boss Have Kids?

If so, do you find that the status of “parent” makes him or her more sympathetic when your daycare calls demanding that you pick up your puking, feverish child NOW… and NOW is 10 a.m.? How does your boss react when you consistently leave the office at 4:30 on the dot to pick up your children from their after school program while the rest of your colleagues remain at the office until 6 or 7 p.m.? Does your boss feel your pain as you struggle to juggle career and family or does he or she resent your late mornings and … Continue reading