Pack Your Bag It’s Time To Go

If you are getting close to your delivery date, it is time to pack your bag for the trip of a lifetime. Before you drag out your suitcase and start tossing in your sunscreen and beach blanket, I should tell you that it’s a different kind of trip. That all important trip to the hospital (if you are planning to give birth at a hospital) where you will give birth to your baby. In the interest of full disclosure, I must say that with both pregnancies I did not pack my bag for the hospital until right before I left. … Continue reading

EMFs and Safety

Call me dumb, but I just never stop to think about the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) around me. Yet these little invisible lines that come from power lines and electronic devices are all around us. Then there are the radio frequency EMFs emitted by wi-fi, baby monitors, routers, and cell phones. It seems like I always have at least one of those things, if not more, in constant reach. If that doesn’t cause enough concern, some believe that something as simple as a lamp plugged in but not on may be doing harm. Electric fields (V/M) occur even when something plugged … Continue reading

What’s In Your Diaper Bag?

On the rare occasions I’m able to go shopping at a department store, I often pause to reminisce about pre-baby days. “I used to be able to wear those kind of swim suits,” I sigh, thinking sadly about my now sagging stomach. “Oh, for the days when I could wear tube tops and halters. There’s no way a strapless bra is holding these milk jugs up any more,” I lament, picturing my nursing bras. When I walk past the purse section, it almost brings a tear to my eye. I study the leather, canvas, and variety of buckles. I mentally … Continue reading

Safety is a Good Choice for Your Health

For a large portion of the year, it’s dark when I drive to work at the cats-only boarding facility. I usually take a back road, rather than the highway — less traffic, nice scenery, a better ride all around. This particular road has very little in the way of shoulders — and no sidewalks — for bikers and walkers. Two mornings in a row, I’ve encountered someone who didn’t take safety seriously. One was on a bike, riding down the middle of the road. Thankfully, I saw the bike’s reflectors and knew something was in my path… but didn’t make … Continue reading

Fame and Pregnancy

Periodically I scan the media for pregnancy-related news. It usually consists of a few new studies, old advice with a new take, and plenty of celebrity-scandal. Hollywood and everyone watching is so obsessed with celebrity pregnancy. I’m really glad I am not famous. Have you ever considered the freedom you have in being anonymous? You can go to a drug store and buy a pregnancy test, or ten pregnancy tests, and no one cares. I know this because when I was trying to get pregnant, I bought ten pregnancy tests at the Dollar General, and the cashier didn’t even blink … Continue reading

Driving in Late Pregnancy: Some DOs and DON’Ts

When you are pregnant, normal activities are suddenly under careful scrutiny. Is this safe? Will it harm my baby? Can I still do this? It’s good to be careful, but after a while you’ll realize there are a lot of things that pregnant woman can still do with a little modification. Many woman become concerned about driving during late pregnancy. Here are some DOs and DON’Ts. As always, check with your doctor if you are unsure about any activity. DO continue to drive while you are pregnant as long as you are not under any restrictions from your doctor. DO … Continue reading

Sneaky Ways to Remember Your Sunscreen

Memorial Day has passed here in the States, and that means it’s semi-officially summer! Sure, you can count June 21st as the official start of summer if you like, but the pool’s open so it’s summer to me! (Back home at the Jersey shore, Memorial Day is also the official start of the summer tourist season, so that’s another good reason in my book.) In fact, I’m planning to spend a good chunk of the afternoon lounging by the pool with a book. That means it’s time for my annual nagging about wearing sunscreen! I’ll be the first to admit … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Review for May 15 – 26

The pregnancy blog review is a good place to see all the recent postings to the blog in one convenient place. I try to cover a wide range of topics related to infertility, conception, pregnancy, birth and the post partum weeks. Sperm count tests freak out a lot of men. Many balk at the thought of giving the sample in a crowded doctor’s office. For these men, home testing seems like the perfect solution, but is it? Learn more in Home Sperm Count Tests. Pregnancy and Your Cell Phone discusses recent research about the use of cell phones during pregnancy. … Continue reading

Pregnancy and Your Cell Phone

The other day, I heard a report on CNN recommending that pregnant women limit the use of cell phones. I was in the middle of the morning rush, so I didn’t catch it all and decided to do some research later. The recommendation is based on a study in the US and Denmark on cell phone use and pregnancy. The study was conducted at UCLA in California and at Aarhus in Denmark. This was a large study, looking at nearly 14,000 mothers of children born in the 1990s. The mothers were questioned about their use of cell phones during pregnancy. … Continue reading

Cell Phones and Sperm Count

Planning to start a family? You might want to cut back on your cell phone time. A recent study from the Cleveland Clinic suspects that there might be a connection between a decline in male fertility and increased cell phone usage. The Cleveland Clinic study included 364 men who were evaluated for infertility between September 2004 and October 2005. Testing tracked sperm quantity and quality; participants were also asked about cell phone use and habits. The lowest average sperm counts (66 million per milliliter) seemed to come from men who used their cell phones for four hours or more per … Continue reading