The Pregnant Women

There are several pregnant women in my extended family. Yesterday I attended a baby shower for one of these pregnant women; she is my husband’s cousin’s wife. Aside from my sister who very recently gave birth to her first child, a girl; there are a total of three expectant mommies on my husband’s side of our extended family. It is not uncommon for sisters and sisters-in-law, and in our case cousin-in-law, to be expecting around the same time. When I was young, my mother was expecting at the same time as five other sisters and sisters-in-law. What is interesting is … Continue reading

Pregnant Sisters Reunited

Amidst the craziness that was my nineteenth week of pregnancy, my thirty three week pregnant sister came for a week long visit. Prior to this visit, I had not seen her for an entire year, which is a really long time for us to go without seeing each other. This particular sister and I are very close: close in age, close in mindset, close in goals, close in values, close in priorities, and recently close in pregnancy. When my sister discovered that she was pregnant, I was the first person she told (besides her husband of course). When I found … Continue reading

A Playdate for the Girls

While I was pregnant with my daughter, I wrote a blog about the pregnant women in my family and extended family. The short version of those blogs is that my sister, my husband’s sister-in-law, and I were all pregnant within eight weeks of each other with girls. We had made attempts to get the girls together in the midst of our diverse and busy schedules, but our efforts were thwarted by naps or illness … until today. This playdate was not planned weeks in advance but happened more by happenstance than anything else. My sister needed me to watch her … Continue reading

The Girls

My sister and I were really excited when we learned that we both were pregnant with baby girls! Our daughters are a mere three months apart. When my daughter was a newborn that three month difference seemed immense, but now that they are both equally mobile that gap has narrowed quite a bit. We love getting our girls together to for play dates as often as we can, which usually ends up being several times a week now that they live nearby (instead of ten hours away). Not only do my sister and I have a great time during our … Continue reading

The Farmer’s Market Part I

This summer has brought wonderful opportunities to spend time outside enjoying some of the things make the Midwest a great place to live. Because of the early start of the growing season, our local farmer’s market boasted fresh homegrown produce early in the season as well. I have always been a huge fan of the farmer’s market. Being able to get high quality produce and other goods that are produced locally improves my outlook on life in general. Needless to say, I have been taking full advantage of our Saturday morning farmer’s market this summer. Unlike my typical errand running, … Continue reading

My Sister

My sister and I have always been really close. She is a mere eighteen months younger than me. We have done many things together as children, through high school, and through college. Both of were married right after our graduation from college and both of our husbands pursued graduate degrees that took us to different states putting us more than one thousand miles apart for the first time in our lives. Life continued as it does but we were only able to see each other once or twice a year. During our time apart, after I had my first baby, … Continue reading

Placenta Encapsulation

I first heard about placenta encapsulation during the second trimester of my second pregnancy. One of my close friends had just had her third baby and she decided to have her placenta encapsulated for the first time. My friend testified to the immense health and recovery benefits received. My initial reaction was part disgust and part inquisitiveness. Consuming one’s placenta seemed a bit strange but it has numerous benefits to the post-partum mother. I began my own research on the subject and soon discovered for myself the healthful benefits behind placentophagy. My research told me that the placenta provides a … Continue reading

Spending Time With My Sister Part I

I recently spent a week visiting my sister, brother-in-law, and four week old niece. I made the ten hour drive with my two year old son and my unborn daughter. Pregnancy really has an impact on everything I do and being away from home did not change the fact that I still have to take my prenatal vitamins, eat healthy, and exercise regularly. My dear sister made all those things possible during my stay. As soon as my son and I arrived, we were greeted with a warm homemade meal of free range chicken seasoned and tossed with pesto and … Continue reading