Baby Preparations: The Travel System

I recently received a phone call from my sister that is a new mommy. She and her one week old baby were out running some errands and she was using her new travel system, specifically the stroller, for the first time. She called me because she could not get the infant car seat out of the stroller. She was in such distress, that I went up stairs and pulled my infant car seat out of the closet and lugged it outside to fit it into our stroller (we have the same travel system). Clearly something was not lined up properly … Continue reading

Moving Part II

Here we are in the midst of packing, loading the truck, and cleaning. Today is our last day to get everything done before we begin the long trek back to the Midwest. We’ve made a lot of progress yesterday. Most of the large items are out of the house and over a dozen large totes filled, labelled, and loaded. I spent a good portion of the evening cleaning and getting the things left in the house organized into piles to go in the truck. This small act of organization really gave me piece of mind as it became apparent that … Continue reading

Moving at 10 Weeks

We are currently in the midst of loading the seventeen foot truck we rented this morning to move across country. While we were filling out paper work for the truck, there was a light breeze and a pleasant temperature. Now it’s just hot! Loading a big truck in the heat is never fun for anyone, but it is particularly nausea inducing at near ten weeks of pregnancy. I knew this was going to be a tough move. Thankfully, my parents flew one of my sisters out to help us and she and my husband have been doing all the heaving … Continue reading

Preparations for Moving

Moving is never an easy or stress-free experience. My husband and I have moved several times in our five short years of marriage. The last time we moved I was in my third trimester. The move was a fairly simple in-town move to a larger residence. A couple of my husband’s colleagues helped us with the heavy items. While lifting heavy objects is very hard and strenuous. I find the actually packing to be the most stressful aspect of moving. Once again I am pregnant, although only in my first trimester and once again we are planning our next move. … Continue reading

Vacuum Fears Part I

Vacuums have garnered the notoriety from small children for being terrifying monstrous machines. The sheer size of an average sized vacuum to a newly crawling or walking child is undoubtedly petrifying in their eyes. In combination with the growling loud noise the vacuum makes, it is no wonder that small children find this common household item to be so scary. Among the numerous young children that have jarring fears of the vacuum cleaner, I too have faint memories of running and hiding from the running vacuum cleaner. That fear eventually turned into mild amusement and finally mundane disdain (since I … Continue reading

My Sister

My sister and I have always been really close. She is a mere eighteen months younger than me. We have done many things together as children, through high school, and through college. Both of were married right after our graduation from college and both of our husbands pursued graduate degrees that took us to different states putting us more than one thousand miles apart for the first time in our lives. Life continued as it does but we were only able to see each other once or twice a year. During our time apart, after I had my first baby, … Continue reading

Our Evolution of Discipline Part III

In the early days of putting our disciplinary plan into actions, we did not really visit other people very often so dealing with him acting out at someone’s house was not a problem. Inevitably, once the craziness of the beginning of the school year died down (I was a full time high school teacher at this stage in our son’s life), I started visiting friends again. It was interesting to see how our son interacted with other people. While he was largely very well behaved and and a pretty “good listener,” there were of course instances during our outings to … Continue reading

First Trimester Reflections

The first trimester brings with it an array of experiences that are neither predictable nor entirely unenjoyable. The changes aren’t always visible but the experience is certainly significant. My first trimester began without my knowledge, considering that the in the first two weeks of pregnancy a woman isn’t even pregnant yet. I was hoping to be pregnant but not expecting pregnancy to happen so soon. Once we got the positive pregnancy test, we were slightly surprised and really happy. The fourth week of pregnancy was simple, easy, and free of any negative symptoms. With week five came morning sickness. My … Continue reading

Missing Our Son on the Big Drive

One of the things that inevitably happens when we take a long trip is that I don’t get to see much of our son. Most of the time this would be because of my job as the driver, eyes fixated on the road, while he sits in the back. It is painful to not be able to interact with him on such a drive (our long drives are 15 hours straight). I never knew how much I appreciated that minimal contact, though, until we were moving. With his aunt coming down to help us pack (and, thankfully, ride back in … Continue reading


Normally I am really good at getting things clean and organized. The last time we moved I was seven months pregnant and I had the house in order in two days flat. The difficulty with a first trimester move is the lack of energy and nausea that tends to come with it. We also have three levels now instead of just one. While this helps keep items more segregated, running up and down stairs isn’t my idea of fun. The first room that needs to be organized is the kitchen. My mom graciously offers to help me get the kitchen … Continue reading