Probiotics for Pets?

Doggie digestion is a subject near and dear to my heart — thanks to my dog Moose and his very sensitive stomach. According to a recent article in Scientific American, GI issues are one of the top problems dog owners bring to the vet’s office (skin issues are tops on the list, according to a professor from the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine in Gainesville). I can believe it! There’s a wide range of stuff that can cause gastrointestinal distress — everything from “garbage gut” (getting sick after eating stuff they shouldn’t) to parasites to infection and more. … Continue reading

Fifteen Weeks Post Partum

At twelve weeks post partum I wrote about being stuck in a rut of sorts. While my muscles were getting toned and my clothes were starting to fit again, I was not losing any weight. I made some changes by watching what I was eating more closely and keeping track of my food intake with my food journal. The biggest change has been cutting back on sweets. What I discovered was that I was going way over my breastfeeding caloric needs. I was eating when I was not hungry because whatever it was that I was eating tasted good e.g. … Continue reading

Be Afraid, Thrush. Be Very Afraid.

I wrote yesterday that I’m suspicious my daughter might have thrush. Experienced family members and her pediatrician all think it probably isn’t thrush, but I’m taking some precautions, just to be safe. I emailed a midwife I greatly trust (she delivered both of my older sisters in home births 25+ years ago and is still delivering babies), and got some great advice. She suggested buying a probiotic in capsule form, breaking open the capsule, and dipping my daughter’s binky into the powder. She said that allowing her to suck on the powder would help restore the natural balance of fungi … Continue reading

Tame that Bloated Belly

How’s your belly today? If you’re feeling a bit bloated, you’re not alone. There are a few different causes for bloating — like PMS, constipation, or gas — but the most common cause is simply a slow digestive system. Bad news, ladies: a slow digestive system is a common problem for women over the age of forty. If your puffed-up belly is making you feel uncomfortable and unattractive, here are some foods that can help! Combine your fibers. Studies have shown that eating two kinds of fiber together is the most effective way to keep things moving through your digestive … Continue reading

UTIs and Your Shoes

What makes a person susceptible to a urinary tract infection? Many times, there is no obvious reason for a UTI. A urinary passage may be partially blocked, or bacteria may spread from the lower bowel or from the vagina during intercourse. Pregnant women have a higher risk of developing a urinary tract infection, thanks to hormonal and physical changes. One other factor? Your shoes. If you wear high heels frequently, you could be putting yourself at risk for a urinary tract infection! Here’s why: wearing high heels can make your pelvis tilt forward and your back curve outwards. This can … Continue reading


Health confession time: I have trouble with dairy products. When I was a baby, I was seriously lactose intolerant; though I’ve grown out of it to some extent, I still have trouble from time to time. My aunt — who is a nurse — came to my rescue one day when she recommended I take acidophilus. Now when I do have a lactose problem, the acidophilus makes a HUGE difference in the duration and severity of the reaction. Acidophilus is one type of good bacteria in the human digestive system. There are more than four hundred different good bacteria; they … Continue reading