Getting Ready for the Baby

Preparations for our daughters birth began as soon as we discovered that I was expecting. There is always something to do whether it be taking supplements to support the baby’s development or getting baby gear together. With each phase of pregnancy comes new things to accomplish and additional changes to be made. I have had my fair share of changes to my regular routine including my diet and exercise regime; modifications were a must to maintain a healthy pregnancy. I also undertook many projects in preparation for the baby, many of them taking the form of “art” projects for the … Continue reading

Week Thirty Five

My thirty fifth week of pregnancy turned out to be very busy. It seems that there is so much to do and so little time! Aside from my day to day and week to week tasks and errands, this week was spent trying to finish the “unfinished” projects. I am still in the midst of making the crib bumper. After running out of fabric for the ties, I made an extra effort to buy the additional fabric needed, wash, dry and iron the fabric, and then cut, sew, and iron the pieces into thirty two ties. I still need to … Continue reading