The Woes of Nonconception

We were ready! I had done my research! I had read countless books, starting taking Folic Acid, found a prenatal workout, began to improve my diet, interviewed midwives, and even bought my first maternity shirt. We had decided five months earlier that we would start trying in four or five months. It was time! If we could get pregnant within the next three months we would have our baby in March, April, or May, which would give us time with our baby before the new school year. God had other plans! It never occurred to me that we would have … Continue reading

Reduce Your Stress to Increase Your Chances of Conceiving

It’s a classic story we’ve all heard before. A childless couple eager to start a family begins their journey with high hopes. After a few months and no positive pregnancy tests, a little tension enters the picture. After six months, more worries creep in. The dreaded 12-month mark hits and the couple begins to throw around the ā€œIā€ word (infertility). The couple looks into treatments, and just before they begin their first cycle on the fertility treatments, they take a short vacation. Upon their return, they receive the shock of their life when they discover she is pregnant. Just when … Continue reading

Natural Methods to Enhance Fertility

After a lifetime of hearing warnings about safe sex and avoiding unintended pregnancy, women are often surprised if they don’t conceive as soon as they start trying. There are some things you can do to naturally enhance your fertility, before you head off to the nearest fertility clinic for a consultation. Many of these techniques will benefit your health and your baby, when you do conceive. A healthy diet can increase your chances of conception. Foods believed to improve fertility include fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants, including carrots, red peppers, mangos, figs and blueberries. There is some evidence that … Continue reading

Increasing Female Fertility

Whether you have been trying to conceive, have been having trouble conceiving or are planning to get pregnant in the future, your fertility may be on your mind. The best time to start making changes is before you are ready to start trying. There are several things you can do to enhance your fertility and increase your chances of successful conception. Your body weight can affect your fertility. Women with more body fat and a higher body mass index are more likely to have problems getting pregnant than women with less body fat. In addition, being overweight puts you at … Continue reading