Time Savings Tips to Prep Your House for Baby

Getting ready for a baby in your home involves more than just baby-proofing. Sure, locking away dangerous cleaners, protecting electrical outlets and blocking stairs are all good ideas, but you will discover that adding convenience for your sake will help you keep your sanity. Taking care of a baby takes up a lot of time, so anything you can do now that can save you time later will make mommy-hood that much easier. 1. Cut down on the time it takes to clean your hardwood, tile or linoleum floors by investing in a quality steam mop, if you don’t already … Continue reading

Nursery and Nurture

New moms confront new challenges every day. One of the more difficult challenges a new mom may be confronting is her own preconceived notion about what her baby should have versus what her baby needs. For example, when my daughter was born – we had a crib and a changing table a small set of drawers for her things. But I didn’t want to set her up in the huge bedroom across the hall, so we emptied out our oversized closet and set her up in there. Our clothes went across to the guest room and our baby nursery was … Continue reading

Furnish Your Baby’s Room For Less

Nursery furniture can get really pricey, especially when you are on a limited budget. I was able to furnish my son’s room thanks to gifts, Craig’s List, and hand-me-down pieces that I revived with a little paint. The end result was a room that was both functional and cute. Before you start your search, measure the room and figure out exactly what you have room for. Next, make a list of the pieces you think you’d want and determine which of those will fit in your room. Consider the placement of windows and electrical sockets, since these things might limit … Continue reading

Things To Do Before Baby Arrives – Part I

When you have a baby, your whole world changes. You will have to sacrifice a lot of your independence, time and resources. In return, you will receive love, wisdom you can’t get anywhere else, and priceless memories. Children will reveal what you want to change and mold you into the person you want to be. They force you to become selfless, honest, full of integrity, creative, generous, adventurous, patient and tough as nails. There is a whole list of reasons that having children will change your life for the better. Some things will never be the same again, and are … Continue reading

Preparing for Baby When Money is Tight

The current economic climate is affecting families in a broad range of ways. Whether one partner has lost a job, had their hours reduced or the rising cost of food and energy is sapping the budget, there may not be as much money to go around these days. Sadly, it is a sign of the times and is likely to continue for some time. If you are pregnant and short on cash, you may be worried that you won’t have what you need when the baby arrives. Fortunately, new babies need very little. We are conditioned by advertising to think … Continue reading