What If Your News Got Spilled?

In the news recently it was revealed that the singer Pink’s parents found out about her pregnancy through the radio. Can you imagine what that must have been like? At first they might have thought it was a rumor, but once they realized the news was true, I’m sure they must have felt hurt that they had not known sooner. It’s really disappointing when you don’t get to spill the news on your own terms. When I was pregnant, I decided to tell my in-laws through a scrap book. I spent a long time putting the pages together. It was … Continue reading

Sharing the News with an Infertile Friend

With the rising infertility rates, it is likely that most pregnant women will have a friend or family member who is going through infertility. You may feel guilty, nervous or have reservations about sharing the news and causing your friend pain. Knowing all she’s been through to have a baby, you don’t want to cause her any more pain. I’ve been on both sides of his issue, and it isn’t fun from either position. The first six years of our marriage were spent trying to have a family. Over those years, it felt like most of the people we knew … Continue reading

Pregnancy Blog Review Dec 30 – January 12

A variety of topics have been covered recently in the pregnancy blog. The blog review is a good place to get caught up on the topics covered in one convenient place. Sit back, relax and catch up on your reading. As always, I welcome any questions or topics for future blogs. At each prenatal visit, the fundal height will be measured. This is the measurement from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus. The measurement is one way your health care provider uses to track the growth of your baby. A lack of growth from one visit to … Continue reading

Sharing the News of an Unplanned Pregnancy

Telling your partner you are pregnant isn’t always an exciting time. Sometimes the pregnancy is not planned. Sometimes the timing is not right, either for financial reasons or problems in the relationship. If this is the case, you may be worried about telling him you are expecting a baby. When you are worried about the reaction, you may resist sharing the news. This will only work for so long. Eventually, the pregnancy will give itself away. You don’t want to let this happen. Your partner will likely be more upset that you kept the news quiet for so long. The … Continue reading

My Last Baby

My husband and I thought that we were done having children after the birth of our two girls. We were using protection and had been discussing permanent options for quite awhile. Then, last March, a surprise came, or perhaps more to the point, it didn’t come. It took me quite a few days after I took the pregnancy test before I could even tell my husband, and when I did, it didn’t go well. But, the facts were the facts, and we were having another baby, whether we had planned on it or not. Throughout the whole pregnancy, I sort … Continue reading

Pregnant without Health Insurance

Women find themselves pregnant and without health insurance to cover prenatal care or birth for a variety of reasons. For some, the cost of health insurance is not within the family’s budget or the employer does not offer health benefits to employees. In the current recession, many people are losing their jobs. With these jobs, employer based health care benefits are often lost. Displaced workers have the option of COBRA to continue health benefits. However, the premium to continue the benefits is extremely expensive. Since the family has lost the income, they are often not able to afford these payments. … Continue reading

When Family and Friends Are Not Supportive

Last week, I wrote a blog about when a partner is not supportive during pregnancy. Today, I read in our forums that one of our members is having problems with family and friends not being supportive, so I decided to address that issue separately. Sometimes it helps to keep in mind that family and friends always seem to have something to say. It starts almost as soon as you meet someone and it starts looking serious. Then they want to know when you are getting engaged. Eventually, you get engaged and they want to know when you will get married. … Continue reading

Learning You Are Pregnant Through Intuition

It is not uncommon for women to know they are pregnant well before it is early enough to take a pregnancy test. I’ve known women who have never taken a test beyond their first pregnancies because their intuition was so strong that they just knew they were pregnant. This knowledge often comes before the next period is even due. Sometimes knowing you are pregnant comes in the form of pregnancy symptoms. This is often either fatigue or nausea. I had one friend who knew she was pregnant if she smelled seafood. It only made her sick during pregnancy and by … Continue reading

When Family is Not Supportive

You have found out you are expecting a baby and are ready to share the news with family. Maybe you are expecting happy reactions from family and friends when they hear the news. More often that not, this is the reaction you will get. However, in some cases certain family members may be less than supportive. Some may even voice their opinions quite loudly. Sometimes we can be blind sided by the reaction of family members. This is particularly painful. When you broke the news, you were probably expecting excitement or congratulations. If the reaction is less than enthusiastic, feelings … Continue reading

Telling an Ex You are Pregnant

Sharing the news of an unplanned pregnancy is never easy. It becomes even more complicated when the father of the baby is your ex partner. The more time that has passed since the split, the more difficult it becomes to break the news. If your ex is in a new relationship or the split was not at all amicable, you may feel even more unsure about telling him. You may even be contemplating not telling him at all. This would most likely be a mistake. As the father of the baby, he has the right to know. Your baby has … Continue reading