Uses for Plastic Bags

Yes, I shouldn’t even be writing this blog as plastic bags are anti-green. But, sometimes I forget my reusable bags and end up with plastic bags from the store. You can return them to many stores for recycling, but there are also some ways you can been a bit green by reusing the plastic bags. One easy way to reuse the bags is to put your dirty clothes in them. No matter where we travel, we end up with plastic bags and always use them for this. You can also wrap your shoes in plastic bags to keep them from … Continue reading

What Kind of Diaper Bag Should You Buy?

I was shopping for diaper bags again, today. I already have two, but I’m pretty sure I have an addiction to diaper bag shopping. Lucky for my wallet, I don’t buy every one on the shelf, but if I had unlimited funds, I could really have a good time. One thing I am always looking for in a diaper bag is how compatible it might be with the way I diaper. I use cloth, so I need extra space for clean and dirty diapers. I carry around a very cute waterproof wet bag made by Planet Wise. It features a … Continue reading

What’s In Your Diaper Bag?

On the rare occasions I’m able to go shopping at a department store, I often pause to reminisce about pre-baby days. “I used to be able to wear those kind of swim suits,” I sigh, thinking sadly about my now sagging stomach. “Oh, for the days when I could wear tube tops and halters. There’s no way a strapless bra is holding these milk jugs up any more,” I lament, picturing my nursing bras. When I walk past the purse section, it almost brings a tear to my eye. I study the leather, canvas, and variety of buckles. I mentally … Continue reading

Registry Details: Diaper Bag Essentials

Over the past year I have picked up pointers and ideas from other moms about which baby accessories are essential and which ones are a waste of cash. I’ve also learned a thing or two from experience. One thing I cannot say enough about is the importance of a well packed diaper bag, something I knew nothing about when I was creating my registry. When you are first handed the registry scanner and you begin to puruse the aisles, it can be overwhelming at first. There are so many products to choose from. There are so many things that you … Continue reading

Shopping for Diaper Bags

When you become pregnant, the realization that your life is about to become a whole lot more complicated probably hits the hardest when you register for baby gear. Suddenly, the car is way too small. The words “travel” and “spontaneous” can no longer be used in the same sentence. The one thing you will always have with you (besides your baby) is the diaper bag. It’s worth spending a little time picking one out! Depending on your lifestyle you may want to get two diaper bags: one for quick trips to the store or a friend’s house and one for … Continue reading

Guilt-Free Shopping

Is there such a thing? I suppose if you are a multi-millionaire shopping is almost something you have to do so you don’t die with money left over. (Oh, the horror!) But, for the rest of us non-Powerball winners we tend to pick and choose our “necessities” carefully. For example, diaper bags. If you have a baby you need a bag of some sort to tote around the ton of infant essentials associated with a newborn. The bag needs to be able to hold the equivalent of an entire nursery, but you still want it to be stylish (even if … Continue reading

Fashion Files: Designer Grocery Bags

Who knew going to the market could be so fashionable? Not me. I’m the mom at the market schlepping around a diaper bag or industrial-sized purse staring at the put-together female shoppers (yes, apparently there are some women who actually wear make up to the market) toting their environmentally friendly reusable shopping bags. Those canvas shopping bags have long been associated with “crunchy-granola”-types, who as it turns out, were way ahead of the times. Now, it’s hip to be environmentally aware and the reusable shopping bags are commonplace (even among the preppy-with-pearls set). But, now, brace yourself ladies, the market … Continue reading

Shopping In Boston

My best friend just returned from a shopping trip (I mean business trip) to Boston. And being the wonderful, kind-hearted friend she is (hugs), she didn’t come back empty-handed. Instead, she returned with a bag full of goodies for my young daughter who happens to be a HUGE Curious George fan. If you have a child obsessed with George, you may want to consider a trip to Boston. I’m only half-kidding. The city that’s crammed with historical monuments and must-see museums is also home to some incredible shopping opportunities. (I’m not talking about cookie-cutter mall stores—-Beantown is filled with one-of-a-kind … Continue reading

A Shopping Guide for Twins (or more) Part 2: Traveling

Traveling with twins is a tricky proposition. It is hard to lug around enough of everything for two babies. However, getting out with your twins will help you feel like a normal person again. Outings can also help calm fussy babies. Here is a list of things to think about when it comes to traveling with two in tow. Carriers When it comes to wearing two babies, I don’t recommend purchasing most carriers that are sold in stores. Many multiples are born premature and carrying is one of the best things you can do for your babies. However, most carriers … Continue reading

Diaper Bags – What Are You Looking For?

The diaper bag is the mom’s best friend when she has a baby in her life. The diaper bag is the ultimate storage device and carries just about everything you are going to need for your baby when you are out and away from the house. Still, buying a diaper bag can be harder than finding the right crib, changing table or playpen. So if you’re still looking for that right one or you’re considering picking one up for someone as a baby shower gift – here’s a few questions to answer to help make the decision easier. What size … Continue reading