The Eat Clean Diet

The Eat Clean diet is one that has gained popularity over the years. The main idea is to choose foods that are unprocessed. It is always a good idea to speak with a doctor before starting a new diet. What is the Eat Clean Diet? The Eat Clean Diet is different from other diets because it encourages a lifestyle approach that includes healthy eating and exercise. The main idea is to avoid foods that are “unclean”. In general, this means people who choose the Eat Clean Diet are consuming whole foods and avoiding processed foods that contain artificial flavorings, artificial … Continue reading

Cats Eating People Food

Yesterday a good friend of mine posted on her Facebook that she caught her two cats eating coleslaw. It’s not the first time her cats have gone after people food; one ate a strawberry last week, and when they were kittens she had to lock them in a room when I’d have lunch at her house. Otherwise they’d jump up on the table, put their paws in our water glasses, and otherwise view our plates as their personal buffet. When I think about it, I can recall many incidents of cats I knew eating people food. My old roommate’s cat … Continue reading

7 Deadly Foods: Expert Advice

What are the 7 Foods You Should Never Eat? Experts interviewed by Prevention Magazine let us know how scary some food can be. And, these foods aren’t what you think. Skip the usual advice about cholesterol, fat and sugar. Instead, let us talk about chemicals and toxins that you inadvertently consuming, present in some of the most innocuous-seeming food. Who ever knew that canned tomatoes could kill you. While I pretty much had heard many of this advice before, it seems to be coming as a surprise for many others. A link to the prevention article, 7 Foods You Should … Continue reading

Understanding the Difference Between Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating

In mid-June I’m speaking at a conference on eating disorders hosted by FINDINGbalance, a non-profit with a unique focus on disordered eating. Theirs is the first national organization dedicated to creating awareness and understanding of EDNOS (Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified), like chronic dieting, emotional eating, and organic food obsessions generally viewed as normal in today’s society. As I write in Hope, Help & Healing for Eating Disorders: “It doesn’t take being diagnosed with an eating disorder to realize something is wrong with the way you eat or the way you feel about food. You may not starve yourself continually. … Continue reading

You Can be Frugal and Eat Healthy Organic

I wrote about my first trip to an organic food store in years entitled Can you be frugal and healthy. My point was yes you can. For me there are even more challenges, as I am trying to go gluten free on top of eating more healthy, and revisiting organic foods. I mean, would a frugal person even go there? Should a frugal person go there? I think we can and should. Here are some frugal things you can do to accommodate healthy eating. 1. Eat less. The reason poor people buy cheap food is because they can buy more … Continue reading

High Glycemic Index Foods and Childhood Obesity

The food a mother eats may play a role in childhood obesity, according to a study at Dublin University College. Specifically, the study looked at the glycemic index of the snacks eaten by pregnant women in late pregnancy. Researchers found women who ate high glycemic index snacks in the last trimester were more likely to have babies that would later develop childhood obesity. Other studies have linked dietary factors and maternal weight gain with childhood obesity. This is one of the first to begin to look at specific factors related to snacking and eating patterns with the child’s weight later. … Continue reading

How to Eat Out and Stay Fit

It’s not rocket science. As long as you stay away from super fatty foods, avoid gorging on high-calorie selections, and stick to your daily exercise routine, you should be able to treat yourself to a night out every once in a while. To make it even easier to stay fit while dining out Health Magazine recently put some popular chain restaurants to the test. The eateries were scored on the use of healthy fats and preparations, availability of nutrition information, and the use of organic produce. Here are the results: Panera Bread. The bakery/cafe has an impressive menu of healthy … Continue reading

Should I Eat Organic Foods?

During pregnancy, we all pay more attention to what we are eating. The nutritional needs of pregnant women and growing babies include several servings of fruits and vegetables each day. This leads to concern about pesticides and fungicides used in commercial food production. Chemicals aren’t confined to the produce aisle. Grains, fruits or vegetables can be found in breads, juices, cereals, yogurt and a broad range of other food in nearly every aisle. Some health conscious people are moving toward an all organic or mostly organic diet. You may be wondering if this is something you should consider. For many … Continue reading

Should I Use Natural Beauty Products?

When we become pregnant, we suddenly become more aware of the foods we eat and the products we use. Companies making natural beauty products tout their brands as the healthier choice. You may be wondering if you should switch from your traditional health and beauty products in favor of natural products. It turns out, there may be cause for alarm. When you read the ingredients on your shampoo bottle, hand cream or other products, you will notice a few things. One is that few of the names listed can even be pronounced. There are an astounding number of chemicals used … Continue reading

Organic for Health – Sandy Powers

In the new book “Organic for Health,” author Sandy Powers shares her own story of sickness and healing. In 2005, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. However, her treatment was complicated by the fact that her liver enzymes were three times higher than normal. Her doctor feared that the surgery for the breast cancer would damage the liver, but Sandy feared the cancer more than the liver. She proceeded to have the mastectomy needed, but decided against chemotherapy and radiation because of the possibility of harm to her liver. Every time she had her enzymes tested, they were dangerously high. … Continue reading