Too Much Phosphorus Can Make You Itch

Let me start today by saying again how proud I am of my husband and his adjusting to the new diet that I am being very guarded with. I may be driving him crazy he has not said anything but if my driving him a little crazy keeps him off dialysis for a little while longer than I am ok with that. I have a friend who is a non-insulin dependent diabetic she controls hers through her food choices. She is always complaining that she is itchy but says that her sugar has been good so she does not know … Continue reading

Reflections on Diet During Pregnancy

Eating is something I do every single day. Eating is something I think about all day long. Aside from the obvious affect my diet has on me, now that I am pregnant my diet also affects my growing baby. It is because of my baby that I think about food choices so frequently, but also why I am so willing to change what I am eating to better support my pregnancy which of course supports the health and development of my baby. Protein has become a dominating feature in my diet. Every food choice I make includes something that contains … Continue reading

Wisdom from Week Two of the Atkins Diet

In the second week of the Atkins diet, I learned a great many things. No matter how prepared and informed you might be before beginning this diet, you will still end up learning something new about how to make Atkins work for you. The wisdom I have gained this week might be helpful for people who have just stated trying to navigate their way through this diet. If you are using the Atkins website to keep track of your carbs and weight, you have the option of entering your weight each and every day. Personally, I prefer to check my … Continue reading

Why I Chose the Atkins Diet

There are tons of diets to choose from, if you are interested in losing some weight. After thinking things over, I decided to try the Atkins diet. My reasons for doing so may not match anyone else’s reasons for making the same choice. I have never been on a diet before in my entire life, so this will be an adventure. Why did I choose Atkins? The most obvious reason is because I wanted to lose some weight. My sister is getting married this year, and has asked me to be a bridesmaid. This is not something I have ever … Continue reading

Get a Coupon When You “Like” Diet Coke

When it comes to soft drinks, people either prefer Coke or Pepsi, and will avoid the brand that they do not favor. There are also people who prefer the diet versions of soft drinks to the “regular” ones, and vice versa. If you happen to be someone whose favorite drink is Diet Coke, then you are in luck. You can get a coupon for your next Diet Coke when you click “like” on the Diet Coke Facebook page. Now that the weather has gotten warmer, people are starting to think about hitting the beaches, or going swimming. This means that … Continue reading

Docs Advise Against Giving Children Energy Drinks

I have to admit, I’ve never quit understood the whole energy drink craze. I tried a sip of Red Bull once and it tasted like cough syrup to me. But, at lot of people swear by them. And, when people do things, their kids often follow their examples. A new report published in the journal Pediatrics is advising against giving children and teenagers energy drinks and say that sports drinks should be avoided unless the kids are actually playing sports. The report, done by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), not only warned against giving kids energy and sports drinks, … Continue reading

Should You Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup?

Forty one pounds. That’s how much high fructose corn syrup Americans consume each year. High fructose corn syrup is used to replace sweeteners in sodas, breads, desserts and other processed foods. Why? American subsidies and tariffs have made corn products a cheaper option. This sweetener which can be found is almost everything you pick up in the grocery store has caused quite a stir. Experts cannot agree on the safety of HFCS which has caused confusion by consumers. Some people have decided to agree with the corn industries “sweet surprise” campaign and insist HFCS is safe. Others maintain it is … Continue reading

Quitting Diet Soda

Would you like to lose five pounds? You may be able to do so by cutting back on your diet soda consumption. Now, I can’t guarantee you will see a huge drop in weight, but I think I probably lost about 5 pounds when I quit. I have read that some diet soda drinkers lose up to 15 pounds upon quitting. In addition to any weight loss that may or may not occur, you will be doing your body an enormous favor. I have had a love/hate relationship with diet soda for as long as I can remember. One of … Continue reading

Should You Drink Diet Soda?

Whether or not pregnant woman should consume caffeine or artificial sweeteners is controversial. Caffeine has been blamed for miscarriages by some, and deemed safe in small quantities by others. Artificial sweeteners, such as the popular aspartame, which is usually found in diet soda pop, have not been found to have any adverse affects on pregnant women, or anyone else for that matter. The FDA has stated that artificial sweeteners are safe for anyone to consume. Some still shy away from them, however, due to the fact that in the past certain artificial additives were declared safe and then suddenly the … Continue reading

Is Your Toddler Getting Enough Vitamin D?

Probably not… at least according to medical experts. A new study published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine reveals that at least 40% of American infants and toddlers aren’t getting enough vitamin D. What’s more, the study also found that there has been an increase in the number of rickets (a vitamin D deficiency disease) cases in several states in the last few years. Doctors say millions of American children are vitamin D deficient and that number is likely to increase if parents don’t start adjusting their kids’ diet or modifying their schedules to allow toddlers to spend … Continue reading