Pregnancy Blog Review Dec 30 – January 12

A variety of topics have been covered recently in the pregnancy blog. The blog review is a good place to get caught up on the topics covered in one convenient place. Sit back, relax and catch up on your reading. As always, I welcome any questions or topics for future blogs. At each prenatal visit, the fundal height will be measured. This is the measurement from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus. The measurement is one way your health care provider uses to track the growth of your baby. A lack of growth from one visit to … Continue reading

Skin Tags in Pregnancy

If you have noticed small growths of skin on your body, they may be skin tags. This is just one of the many changes you will notice in your skin during your pregnancy. Skin tags are very common among pregnant women. There are some common areas where skin tags are most likely to appear during pregnancy. Skin tags generally tend to occur in areas where the skin rubs against tight clothing. Under the bra either on your torso or under the arm are common areas where skin tags tend to develop. As you gain weight, clothing tends to become tighter, … Continue reading

Before or After?

It’s unofficially baby shower week here on the pregnancy blog. If you haven’t done so already, read about whether or not you should get a second baby shower and whether you have to play shower games, Monday and Tuesday’s topics, respectively. Earlier this week I was speaking with a friend about planning – you guessed it – a baby shower. Apparently someone suggested that our pregnant friend should have the shower after the baby was born, and others insisted she have it before. So which is better: before or after? I’m going to go on the record and say that … Continue reading

The Maternity Shuffle

Contrary to what you might think after reading the title, this blog is not about dancing pregnant woman! For the past few years, my circle of friends has been churning out a lot of babies. I conceived around the same week one friend gave birth, and that same friend conceived again around the same week I gave birth. Meanwhile a trunk load of stretchy pants, empire waist shirts and other maternity clothes has been passed around like a hot potato. That is the maternity shuffle. Buying a whole new wardrobe of maternity clothes can get really expensive, and in this … Continue reading

Marriage Profiles of the 2008 Presidential and Vice Presidential Nominees

While I was watching Sarah Palin’s speech during the Republican National Convention last night, I found it interesting to learn she married her high school sweetheart. It made me think that might make a fun blog: profiling the marriages of the 2008 Democratic and Republican presidential and vice presidential nominees. Barack and Michelle Obama They first met in 1989 when Barack interned at a law firm where Michelle worked. Apparently he was smitten with her right from the get go, but she didn’t want any part of an office romance. But Barack wouldn’t be deterred. He persisted in asking her … Continue reading

PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common reproductive problem. As many as 1 in 20 women of child-bearing age may have PCOS. It appears that women with this problem do not experience normal monthly fluctuations in hormone levels. The ovaries may start to grow an egg, but all the hormones are not balanced correctly to let the egg mature. Instead it may stop growing, or become a cyst. Either way, ovulation stops. The ovaries of a woman with PCOS consistently fail to produce eggs. The cause of the problem is unknown. Researchers are looking for genetic links, since PCOS seems … Continue reading