Stay Away from BPA

We already know that BPA is dangerous. It has been linked to fertility problems, cancer, and sexual dysfunction in men, among other defects. There has been a big push to remove BPA from the plastics that we come in contact with every day. If you walk through the baby aisle, you’ll notice that most of the bottles are in packaging boldly marked, “BPA Free.” Many people have switched to using aluminum water bottles as a precaution as well. We know BPA is dangerous, and we have taken steps to protect ourselves and our families, but now we know more about … Continue reading

Removing BPA from Your Home

Have you heard about bisphenol A (BPA)? It is a substance in manufactured plastics that has been linked to cancers and other health-related problems. You may have heard the warning that you shouldn’t heat or freeze many plastic containers because of this reason. Well, now the news is even worse. According to BabyTalk magazine, a panel of specialists in environmental health recently expressed some concerns that babies and young children exposed to BPA could experience neurological and behavioral problems later in life. BPA is usually found in clear, hard plastics that are often used as food storage containers (like tupperware … Continue reading

Recycling Plastics: By the Numbers

One day in my office, we received a new recycling bin. It has one side for aluminum cans and the other side simply said “plastics.” I can’t remember what it was, but my boss wanted to toss something in the plastic side when our business manager said, “No, you can’t do that” and explained whatever he had that was plastic couldn’t be recycled with things like water bottles. His argument was the bin only said “plastics,” which rather makes sense. How do you know what plastics to recycle? You have to go by the numbers. If you look on the … Continue reading

One More Disney Day Leap Year Extravaganza

It’s every kid’s dream: getting locked into Disney World overnight. While other Disney events have come close, notably Senior Trips/Grad Nites and New Year’s Eve parties, no one’s ever been allowed in a Disney Park in the middle of the night before. Or at least, a park has never been open to guests for a full 24 hours before. But now, both Disneyland and the Magic Kingdom will be. One More Disney Day is how the Disney Parks have chosen to honor Leap Year. It’s an event that only comes around every four years, so execs wanted to celebrate it … Continue reading

Single Parents and Quality Time–Keep Family Time Uninterrupted

Balancing work obligations, school or other responsibilities and spending quality time with your kids is one of the biggest challenges of life as single parent. I imagine that if we got all of us together in one room, it would be a huge topic of conversation for us–how to make sure that we spend enough quality time with our kids and let them know that we really do put family first. I have learned that even if I don’t have an abundance of time to devote to my kids, making sure that the time I do set aside stays “pure” … Continue reading