Stocking Up On Diapers Ahead Of Time?

Stocking up on diapers while you are pregnant is a good idea for a number of reasons. When you have a newborn, making trips to the store is a little more work than it used to be, so anything you can do to eliminate these trips is a plus. When you don’t have an immediate need for diapers, you can wait around for the best sales and buy in bulk at rock bottom prices. You won’t have that luxury once you have the baby and all you have left is what’s still packed in the diaper bag. (Now, if you … Continue reading

What Kind of Diaper Bag Should You Buy?

I was shopping for diaper bags again, today. I already have two, but I’m pretty sure I have an addiction to diaper bag shopping. Lucky for my wallet, I don’t buy every one on the shelf, but if I had unlimited funds, I could really have a good time. One thing I am always looking for in a diaper bag is how compatible it might be with the way I diaper. I use cloth, so I need extra space for clean and dirty diapers. I carry around a very cute waterproof wet bag made by Planet Wise. It features a … Continue reading

Planning on Cloth Diapering?

When I was pregnant, my mom threw me a baby shower and everyone who attended could enter for a door prize if they brought a package of diapers. I ended up with so many diapers that I did not have to buy any until my son was 4 months old! It was so nice to start out with so many diapers and not have to worry about that expense for a while. Fast forward almost two years later and we have now switched to using cloth diapers. After watching me convert, my sister has decided that she would like to … Continue reading

Oh Baby, What a Deal!

Do you have a baby in your life? If so, chances are you love showering her with all the wonderful baby clothes and toys that are on the market today. Or maybe you’re the lucky mother or father of an adorable baby and you’re constantly in the process of stocking up on the necessities that your bundle of joy requires. Either way, today is your lucky day because this post is dedicated to online coupon codes offered by retailers of baby products. Shopping online for baby products is the ultimate in convenience. That’s especially true for parents of newborns, who … Continue reading

Looking for Freebies and Deals

Pregnancy presents a unique opportunity to collect quite a few freebies. There are tons of companies out there that want your future business, and they are ready to hand over the goods to get it. Often the mail that results from signing up for these offers is the kind you want: samples, coupons and special offers. Your doctor’s office and hospital will likely give you items like free diaper bags, changing pads, planners and totes that are provided by formula companies. Even if you don’t plan on using formula, these “gifts” still come in handy. If you do plan on … Continue reading

Frugal Month in Review: November 2008

November to be is the beginning of two things. The holiday season starts with Thanksgiving, and then there is winter. Despite the fact that winter doesn’t officially start until next month, the fall seems to give way to the winter in November anyway. We had a day of snow already. Here is looking ahead to December and the end of the year! November 1st Frugal Month in Review: October 2008 “Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.” – George Eliot. November 2 … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: December 3rd through December 9th

Can you believe that it is just a few more weeks until Christmas? I have to confess that I don’t even have all of my decorations up or shopping and gift making done, yet. I hope you are doing better in that department than I am! This past week, we have had plenty of holiday articles, from decorating to gift giving ideas, all crafted with tips to save you money this season. Here is the Frugal Living blog week in review for December 3rd through December 9th December 3rd Free Land In the heart of American, towns from far and … Continue reading