Home Sperm Count Tests

Technology has advanced to the point that you can now purchase kits to test for sperm count and motility at home. This is a great thing for men who are shy about going into the clinic for the testing. Although, if you go into infertility treatment, the doctor will want to perform a test in the office anyway. For some couples, there is still an advantage. The test can give you advanced notice of a possible problem. If the test comes back normal, it can give you some peace of mind. In either case, the results can help you determine … Continue reading

Trans Fats and Infertility

By now, nearly everyone has heard of trans fats and the negative effect they can have on our health. These fats contribute to heart disease by raising the bad cholesterol and lowering the good cholesterol. A recent study at Harvard School of Public Health suggests that they may also impair a woman’s fertility. The study showed that women who ate a diet that included trans fats were more likely to have a fertility problem related to ovulation. If trans fats were 2% or more of the total daily calories, the risk of infertility was double, among study participants. Women with … Continue reading

Study About Beef and Sperm Count

The title of this blog may be a bit misleading. No, the beef you serve your husband for dinner won’t lower his sperm count. However, if his mother ate beef every night, it may be a cause of his lower than normal sperm count. A new study shows that women who eat a lot of beef during their pregnancies can have sons with a lower sperm count. The study was conducted by the Center for Reproductive Epidemiology at the University of Rochester Medical Center in Rochester, New York. The study looked at about 400 men born between 1949 and 1983. … Continue reading

Increasing Male Fertility

About one quarter of infertile couples have trouble conceiving due to issues with male fertility, most often a low sperm count. If male factor infertility is suspected, your doctor will want to perform a semen analysis. This test looks at both the number and the quality of the sperm. Many doctors start with this test, since diagnosing male factor infertility is easier than female infertility and the doctor may want to rule it out before starting a battery of tests on the woman. A diagnosis of male factor infertility is difficult, but it isn’t necessarily the end of the road … Continue reading