Switching Infertility Doctors

Undergoing treatment for infertility is never easy. At some point in your journey, you may be unhappy with your current treatment or clash with the doctor and consider making a change. This is never easy, particularly with the heightened emotions involved in trying to conceive, but it is sometimes necessary. There are many reasons women give for changing doctors during the course of infertility treatments. It may be something as simple as a bad match between you and your doctor. If you have widely different philosophies, this can happen. For example, if you are considering IVF and have religious conflicts … Continue reading

Splitting the Difference

In addition to her pediatrician, our daughter sees two specialists. One is the pediatric surgeon, who performed her operations, and the other is a gastroenterologist (GI doctor). Both are concerned with making sure Lily is feeding normally, maintaining appropriate weight, and not experiencing any symptoms of reflux. The doctors are familiar with one another as they both work for the same children’s hospital, and I know that each has a high opinion of the other, because they have said as much. However, I suspect they have little communication with each other, and therefore, they have a difference of opinion on … Continue reading

Fertility After 40

Yesterday was my 40th birthday. The occasion got me thinking about life and motherhood. No, I am not thinking of adding another baby to our family, but many women my age are having babies or trying to conceive. The common belief is that fertility drops off dramatically after the 40th birthday. While there is truth to the idea that conceiving at 40 is more difficult than at 25, the news isn’t all grim. Many women are having babies later in life. It happens every day. Getting pregnant past 40 is possible, but it is more of a challenge. Women over … Continue reading

Increasing Female Fertility

Whether you have been trying to conceive, have been having trouble conceiving or are planning to get pregnant in the future, your fertility may be on your mind. The best time to start making changes is before you are ready to start trying. There are several things you can do to enhance your fertility and increase your chances of successful conception. Your body weight can affect your fertility. Women with more body fat and a higher body mass index are more likely to have problems getting pregnant than women with less body fat. In addition, being overweight puts you at … Continue reading

Is it Worth it to Try ART More Than Once?

Most couples undergoing infertility treatments set limits for how long they will try. Sometimes the limit is a number of months or years. More common is a limit which procedures will be tried and how many cycles each procedure should be done. There are many factors to consider in this decision. The expense of some procedures, such as Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) affects the limits you set. You may wonder if it is worth the cost to try a second time, or if you don’t get pregnant in the first cycle, is it worth it to try again. According to … Continue reading