Increased Appetite During Pregnancy

One of the most cliche symptoms of pregnancy is an increased appetite. If a movie or a sitcom features a pregnant woman, there is at least one scene where she is seen stuffing her face. The image of the hungry pregnant woman is not just in the media, it’s clearly rooted in our culture. I used to get comments if I didn’t put enough food on my plate at buffets or family functions. It was not unusual to hear someone say, “you’re not eating enough.” Everyone assumes pregnant women are supposed to be stuffing themselves all day. The upside to … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Review for November 24 – 30

A wide variety of topics have been covered recently in the pregnancy blog on everything from trying to conceive to discomforts in later pregnancy. If you haven’t been able to keep up with your reading, the pregnancy blog review is a great way to browse the recent topics. Click each link to view the entire blog. Some women find they are hungry much more than usual when they are pregnant. Indulging this hunger without thinking about nutrition can lead to excessive weight gain. This increases your chances of complications in the pregnancy and makes losing the weight after pregnancy much … Continue reading

Taming Hunger in Pregnancy

Some women find they don’t have much of an appetite when they are pregnant. Often this is the result of recurring morning sickness. Other women have the opposite problem. They seem to be hungry all the time. Nutrition is definitely important during pregnancy. However, constant hunger can be too much of a good thing. If you give in to every craving or feeling of hunger, your weight gain can get out of control. This increases the risk of complications during pregnancy and delivery. After the baby is born, excessive weight gain can make losing the baby weight. Contrary to grandma’s … Continue reading

Three Common Mistakes Pregnant Women Make

Today I’m going to talk about three mistakes that I see pregnant women making all the time. There are common mistakes that seem small, but they can having lasting effects. The first mistakes has to do with posture, but it really stems from a desire to move past that “bloated” stage and right into the “I’m visibly pregnant” stage. You’ll see if if you look through images of pregnant women during their early weeks. They are pushing their stomach out and you can tell by the exaggerated arch in their back. The problem is this is a very bad way … Continue reading

How To Eat Healthier When You’re Busy

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is important to your health and your baby. Gaining too much weight during pregnancy can lead to dangerous complications; and a diet high in sugar can potentially lead to an oversize baby, which causes its own issues as well. The problem is you are dealing with hormones that affect your appetite and your cravings. Combine those factors with a busy schedule and it becomes extremely difficult to stick to a healthy diet. The solution is a proactive approach with a little bit of planning and preparation. The first step is to think about the types … Continue reading

HCG for Weight Loss? Yeah Right!

I read the strangest piece of news tonight. Apparently people are rubbing a cream containing HCG on their wrists and cutting their daily calorie intake down to 500 in an effort to lose weight rapidly. It’s called the HCG diet. HCG is the same pregnancy hormone that is detected by home pregnancy tests. HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. It is first produced by the growing embryo and later by the placenta. The theory is that the synthetic HCG tricks the body into thinking it is pregnant and needs to pull nutrients from the body’s fat stores. It should be … Continue reading