Chiropractic Adjustments During Pregnancy

When we first found out that I was pregnant with our second child, I started thinking about all the inevitable changes my body would undergo. I knew that at some point the extra weight and strain on my pelvis and the loosening of ligaments would result in a certain amount of misalignment which may or may not manifest itself by way of physical discomfort. Recalling my first pregnancy and the late pregnancy back pain (due to misalignment) that played a role in the baby turning breech, I wanted to ensure that I not only prevented this baby from turning breech … Continue reading

Chiropractic Care

Back pain is all too common. It is one of the most common complaints at doctor’s offices all around the country! Many people turn to a chiropractor for their back problems — but do you really know much about chiropractic care? Humans have been practicing chiropractic healing for thousands of years — at least as far back as ancient Egypt! The oldest school of chiropractic thought believed that out of place bones along the spine (known as subluxations) are to blame for most diseases. This belief was picked up by Daniel David Palmer, who founded the modern practice of chiropractic … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Week in Review for October 19-27

A wide variety of topics have been covered recently in the pregnancy blog. If you haven’t been reading, this is a good place to catch up. Professional and at home tooth whitening has become really popular in the last few years. You may be wondering if certain procedures are safe during pregnancy. Learn more about it in Is it Safe to Whiten Teeth in Pregnancy? Regular chriopractic care has benefits for pregnant women. There are benefits for labor as well. Read more in The Benefits of Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy Eating Disorders in Pregnancy pose serious health risks to both … Continue reading

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy

There are several benefits of chiropractic care for pregnant women. Visiting your chiropractor can help with some of the discomforts of pregnancy. The physical changes of pregnancy cause stress to the spine. This contributes to back pain. As labor approaches, the baby moves down into the pelvis. This can result in pain in the pelvic bone or at the bottom of the spine. Pelvic adjustments help bring the hips back into proper alignment, which relieves the pain. Many women are sent to the chiropractor by their health care provider if the baby is in a breech presentation. Midwives are more … Continue reading

Week Thirty Two

As my thirty second week of pregnancy began, I realized that my pregnancy will be over before I know it. While I seem to be growing larger by the day, I am still trying to enjoy this pregnancy to the fullest and not take a single day for granted. I have not quite reached that point in my pregnancy where the strain is nearly unbearable but the size of my belly and the loosening of my ligaments etc are taking a tole. At thirty two weeks I sought out the preventative help of a chiropractor. It seems that chiropractic adjustments … Continue reading

Dealing with Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain is common in pregnancy, as the baby grows. The pelvis joint expands throughout the third trimester as the body prepares for child birth. This expansion combined with the weight of the baby is responsible for pelvic pain during pregnancy. This is one of the discomforts in pregnancy that won’t completely go away until after the baby is born. In the meantime, there are some things you can do to deal with the pain and get some relief. Try one or a combination of these methods to relieve pelvic pain. Pregnant women often find pelvic pain increases when they … Continue reading

Dealing with Sciatic Nerve Pain

Sciatic nerve pain is one of the more uncomfortable side effects of pregnancy. The pain is easy to identify. Sciatic nerve pain is a severe, shooting pain that is felt from the top of the thigh down throughout the leg. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body. The nerve provides the sense of feeling to the back of the legs and soles of the feet. When the pain is felt, it generally starts at the top of the leg and moves down to the foot. During pregnancy, the sciatic nerve goes under the uterus and to the … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Avoiding a Cesarean-Section

It’s commonly understood that cesareans are surgical procedures, and therefore come with an element of risk. In fact, risks of the surgery include things as serious as infection, uterine rupture, low birth weight for the baby, and even death for either mother or child. Here I will highlight ways to avoid a cesarean section. Throughout pregnancy: The easiest way to avoid a cesarean is to educate yourself and decide to birth naturally. Interview many care providers, and choose one that you feel is most concerned with your interests. Introduce them to you birth plan, and gauge their attitude towards it. … Continue reading