Revisiting Circumcision

Circumcision is one of those controversial decisions that every parent of a boy must make. We have blogged on it before but I felt it necessary to revisit the issue. The AAP has been neutral on the issue saying that the potential benefits of circumcision do not necessitate the procedure. They describe it as “preventative” rather than necessary. However, based on two new studies showing that circumcision substantially reduces the risk of spreading HIV and STDs, the AAP is reviewing their stance. One point that has been brought out repeatedly by those on both sides of the debate is that … Continue reading

UTI Risk Factors

In general, women are more prone to urinary tract infections than men are. This is because the urethra — the tube that runs from the bladder to the outside of the body — is much shorter in women than in men. Also, a woman’s urethra is closer to the anus, increasing the chance that bacteria from the colon can end up in the urinary tract. This doesn’t mean a man can’t have a urinary tract infection! A urinary tract infection in a man is often a sign of an underlying problem — the infection may have migrated from the prostate … Continue reading

Can Your Pediatrician Fire You?

Can you imagine your pediatrician firing you? Can you imagine how you would feel if the pediatrician informed you that you can no longer bring your child to their practice? It’s actually happening in some areas where parents are refusing immunizations for their infants for whatever reason. Some parents are not comfortable with immunizing an infant due to religious or medical practices. Still others would prefer to wait if their child has a cold. Many pediatricians will go ahead and give an infant their shots as long as the baby is not running a fever. If you’re like me, the … Continue reading