The Physical Effects of Anxiety

It may start in your head, but chronic anxiety – day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year – inevitably elicits some pretty profoundly negative responses from the rest of your body. So if you’re living with anxiety, as well as a painful or troublesome physical condition – particularly of the heart, lungs, stomach, muscles, skin, immune system, reproductive system, weight and/or head (as in headaches) – it’s time to make the connection. You may literally be making yourself sick with worry. As shared in my new book, Overcoming, Anxiety, Worry, and Fear: Practical Ways to … Continue reading

Returning Fertility

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of research about returning fertility. It is such an interesting topic and you will find many different conflicting opinions on the subject, especially when it has to do with moms who are still nursing their babies or toddlers. Some will insist that a mother must wean in order to conceive again. Others, especially those who strongly promote breastfeeding, insist that weaning is unnecessary and fertility will return when the body is ready. I also came across a third point of view, which has nothing to do with breastfeeding or weaning, and more to do … Continue reading

Do OTC Medications Affect Fertility?

The topic for this blog came from a question asked in our forums. In fact, there is some evidence that certain medications can interfere with fertility. Whether or not these medications would completely prevent pregnancy is unclear. It is actually widely believed that some common medications can interfere with ovulation. These are drugs known as NSAIDS, and sold under names like Aleve, Advil and Ibuprofen. In the book Stay Fertile Longer: Everything You Need to Know to Get Pregnant, the author talks about this link. The reason cited is that these medications block the production of prostaglandins, which interferes with … Continue reading

Taking a Break from Infertility Treatments

I can’t even count the number of times I’ve heard someone say, either in real life or online, “We’re taking a break.” I completely understand the feeling. In the six years it took us to have our first baby, we stepped off the roller coaster a few times. This can be a very good thing, and is often necessary. Trying to concieve is not fun, despite the constant refrain of, “At least you get to have fun trying.” Trying to have a baby is one of the most stressful times of life. The emotional rollercoaster between hope and disappointment can … Continue reading

Fertility Drugs and Your Emotions

One of the biggest side effects of taking fertility drugs is the emotional aspect. Women taking fertility drugs often report mood swings as severe as those experienced during pregnancy. This takes a toll on the woman and her partner. It should come as no surprise that fertility drugs cause mood swings. Remember that all fertility drugs change the hormone levels in the body, specifically estrogen. This change in hormone levels is responsible for the ups and downs of your mood. Some women find the intensity of the mood swings surprising. They tend to come on suddenly and can be provoked … Continue reading

Different Types of Stress

Stress isn’t just stress. Researchers have identified several different kinds of stress! Stress can be divided into two basic categories: short term stress and long term stress. Each of these categories can be further broken down into different types. Types of short term stress include: Acute time-limited stressors come on suddenly (acute) and are over relatively quickly. Situations like public speaking and doing math in your head fall into this category. These things may come on without warning but are short in duration. Brief naturalistic stressors are similar — they are relatively short in duration. Think of a classroom test … Continue reading

Pregnancy Blog Review Dec 30 – January 12

A variety of topics have been covered recently in the pregnancy blog. The blog review is a good place to get caught up on the topics covered in one convenient place. Sit back, relax and catch up on your reading. As always, I welcome any questions or topics for future blogs. At each prenatal visit, the fundal height will be measured. This is the measurement from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus. The measurement is one way your health care provider uses to track the growth of your baby. A lack of growth from one visit to … Continue reading

Emotional Issues with Secondary Infertility

The definition of secondary infertility is an inability to get pregnant after a previous successful pregnancy. Emotions run high regardless of whether this is your first or fourth baby. There are some emotional issues that are specific to secondary infertility. There is a definite lack of sympathy in society for women trying for a second, third or subsequent baby. There is a general feeling that the woman should be grateful for the child or children that she has, rather than focusing so much on having another baby. The support that women get from others when trying to conceive the first … Continue reading

Causes of Secondary Infertility

Secondary infertility occurs when a woman who has had at least one successful pregnancy finds that she is unable to conceive another baby. The first child is generally conceived without difficulty and the pregnancy is normal and healthy. It is only when the couple decides to add to their family that the problem is discovered. The rule of thumb for secondary infertility is the same as when the couple is trying for the first baby. If you have had unprotected sex for a year, it’s time to see a doctor for an evaluation. If the mother is over the age … Continue reading

Acupuncture and Infertility

Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that is said to have benefits for pregnancy and in preparing for labor. Practitioners say it also has benefits for people experiencing problems with infertility. Acupuncture works on the principal that when the body’s energy flow is out of balance, the health is affected. Practitioners of acupuncture believe that by putting this energy, known as qi or chi, back in balance healing occurs. The energy pathways are treated through over 400 acupuncture points along the body. Long, thin needles are inserted to stimulate the acupuncture points. This puts the body back into balance … Continue reading