Words that have been Turned into Baby Names

What will you name your baby? That question is one that most parents take very seriously. Much consideration goes into choosing a name for a newborn. It is understandable that parents want their child to have a unique name. Perhaps this is why many parents in 2014 selected a random word as the name for their babies. Nameberry took a close look at the names parents gave to their babies in 2014. They put together a list of baby names that are words. In short, parents chose a commonly used word, that has a specific meaning, as the name for … Continue reading

When Will I Feel Baby Move?

One of the most eagerly awaited moments in any pregnancy is that moment when you feel baby’s first kicks. There is a wide range of when you might feel baby start kicking. Sixteen weeks is on the early end of the spectrum, and most women feel at least a little kicking by the twenty second week of pregnancy. There are a few variables that can influence when you will be able to feel baby’s first flutters. Experience can have a big impact on when you are able to notice and acknowledge your baby’s movements. Women who are pregnant for the … Continue reading

Stolen Minutes To Find Yourself Again

The homeschooling mom often neglects herself. She is busy trying to maintain a balance of a clean happy home and well educated children. It can be quite a challenge for her to find the time to sit quietly and read a book or get her hair done in the midst of grading a spelling test, folding laundry, making dinner, and setting up a science lab. She seems to run on a force of unending energy until she finally burns out and falls flat on her face. When she finally regains awareness she realizes her nails are broken, her hair is … Continue reading

Your Baby’s Personality

During the last weeks of your pregnancy, pay close attention to how your baby moves. After your baby is born, those adorable movements will be the same for the first few weeks. You’ll recognize the way your baby kicks and moves her arms. It’s incredible to make that connection between the baby you knew in your womb and the baby you cradle in your arms. From the beginning, from those first kicks and throughout my pregnancy, I began to get a sense of my son’s personality. Pressing my fingers into the side of my belly, I would be kicked repeatedly. … Continue reading

The Joy of Feeling Your Baby Move

Something I miss about pregnancy (among other things) is the feeling of my son moving around in my belly. I remember the first time it happened. I was talking and suddenly I stopped mid-sentence while my friends looked on, wondering if something was wrong. “Oh my gosh, I feel the baby moving!” I exclaimed. I thought I had felt something in the car just minutes earlier, but I wasn’t sure if I was feeling the baby or the vibration of driving through bumpy road construction. After a pause, I felt it again. A small helicopter was buzzing around in there, … Continue reading

Appley Ever After: Enjoying Fall Apples With Your Baby

I love fall apples. They are crisp and new, a little tart, a little sweet. They are a delight in every way, and so different from the dull apples that you find on store shelves at the beginning of spring. There are so many ways to celebrate fall with your baby. How can you enjoy fall apples? Visit a farmer’s market or even a local apple farm. In our area, this means a drive, but if you have a little one who is up to the challenge, put him in the baby carrier and head out apple picking! It’s never … Continue reading

Why Did You Have a Baby?

Women have babies for lots of different reasons. Some women have wanted babies since they were quite young children themselves. Others have no interest at all in having children, but as time progresses they decide that they do want a child of their own. Some people deliberately choose to have a child and plan the birth accordingly. Others find themselves pregnant through a mistake or have a baby at a time that they haven’t quite planned. Some babies are wanted and others aren’t. I recently encountered a 39-year-old woman who told me the she was desperate to have a child. … Continue reading

Fearing for Your Baby

This blog is the result of a conversation I had with a close friend the other day. She is expecting a baby in December. She told me that she always worries about the health of her babies until they are born. I realized that I tend to do the same thing. In speaking with other mommies, I realized this is a very common issue among pregnant women. I’ve worried about my babies with each pregnancy. Would they be healthy? What if the baby was stillborn? What if he or she had a condition that was incompatible with life? If the … Continue reading

FLOOR TIME: Promoting the Expression of Feelings and Ideas

If you’ve been following my floor time blogs, your child should now be able to show personal interest and attention during your play sessions, and demonstrate the ability to communicate in ways that are connected to reality and make sense. Perhaps he or she can ask simple questions, make requests, and uses nearly fifteen to thirty different words correctly. Once these goals have been accomplished, your son or daughter can move to the next goal of floor time, which is the ability to express feelings and ideas. This blog is the fourth in a series about being your child’s own … Continue reading

Exploration: Playing with Baby

It’s important to remember that games and playtime for babies under the age of 2 are very much about exploration and experimentation. Babies play through their movement and through their senses. They learn about the world around them. They learn about their parents. They learn about themselves. What’s great about this kind of play is that it rarely requires a purchase and even more rarely does it fail you for entertaining the little one. When you are taking your baby or toddler out to the various 4th of July celebration whether it’s a parade, fireworks or a family picnic – … Continue reading