The Maternity Shuffle

Contrary to what you might think after reading the title, this blog is not about dancing pregnant woman! For the past few years, my circle of friends has been churning out a lot of babies. I conceived around the same week one friend gave birth, and that same friend conceived again around the same week I gave birth. Meanwhile a trunk load of stretchy pants, empire waist shirts and other maternity clothes has been passed around like a hot potato. That is the maternity shuffle. Buying a whole new wardrobe of maternity clothes can get really expensive, and in this … Continue reading

A Green Pregnancy

I’m not one to jump on the bandwagon “just because,” but I’m glad to see environmentalism reach a peak of popularity in our society. Living “green” is often synonymous with a frugal lifestyle, living responsibly and gratitude for our resources. No matter what your reasons are for going green, it’s a move that benefits everyone. You can do little things in every area of your life to reduce your footprint, even during pregnancy. Having a green pregnancy could mean restricting yourself to a completely organic diet, but not everyone has that kind of grocery budget and there is more to … Continue reading