Not Even One Glass

I’ve been reading some conflicting views on drinking alcohol during pregnancy this evening. Some are insisting one drink, once in a while, certainly can’t cause much harm, while other studies are revealing that alcohol affects the fetus at the DNA level. The former group says that kind of research only applies to women who drink a lot, but my question is, how many sips of alcohol can you take before it’s one too many? Can researchers draw a line? Is it the fifth martini that causes the cleft palate or the flattened features? Is it the tenth glass of wine … Continue reading

Celebrating New Years Eve… Pregnant!

Every day, about ten thousand babies are born. New Years Day is no exception. This past year, the very first baby of 2009 was born in New Jersey. Also, this past year Beach Nut gave free food to all the babies born on January 1st. That’s a lot of food! Often, there are other prizes awarded to New Year babies. Many women dream of giving birth to the first baby of the new year, but even if you’re not vying for that title, New Year’s Eve can still be a lot of fun. There are two aspects of New Year’s … Continue reading

The Risks of Not Knowing You’re Pregnant (Part 2)

Yesterday I talked about the risks of not knowing you are pregnant, as is in the case of the women on the show I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant. I talked about the risks associated with continuing birth control or not taking prenatal vitamins during pregnancy. Turns out the risks associated with not taking prenatal vitamins are low if you are eating a well balanced diet. Taking birth control during pregnancy does pose a risk, but not in terms of birth defects. Today I’m going to talk about the risks associated with drinking alcohol, smoking, and risky activity, such as … Continue reading