Get Your Labor Started Naturally

If you are nearing the end of your pregnancy, you are probably wondering whether and when your labor will begin. If you are overdue, and you are nearing the date when you would be induced you may also wonder whether labor will start on its own before then. If you are interested in trying to give things a nudge in that direction, there are a few things that you can do if your prenatal health care provider says that it okay to do them. It is essential that you ask your care provider first because each pregnancy is different, and … Continue reading

Things That Could Affect Your Credit Score

Keeping your credit score in good shape is as easy as carrying as little debt as you can and paying your bills on time, right? While most of the time those two simple rules – simple to understand but not always simple to execute – will keep your score at its best, there are some things that you may not be aware of that could be making your credit score lower than it could be. There are things that most people know will affect their credit score such as applying for loans and credit cards, but there are other things … Continue reading

Patience In All Things

Perhaps this might be a blog post for our pregnancy blog, but I feel it is appropriate here too. I am very pregnant awaiting our third child. This has been a difficult pregnancy for me. I was extremely sick in the first trimester, more so than with my other two pregnancies. And, I’ve been extremely swollen this time around. In the past, I delivered a few days earlier than my due date, and this time around, I had my heart set on that. Well, here it is, 2 days away from my due date and no baby yet. With one … Continue reading

Not Overdue: Just Not Ready

I really learned how to cook the first year I was married. We were living in a decent apartment and the kitchen had an older oven, but it did its job fairly well. I did have to adjust most of my recipes since it appeared the temperature was a bit off, but once I got used to it, it was second nature. Then we moved into our house, which had a brand new oven, and suddenly I was overcooking everything on the new gas range and under-cooking everything in the oven. Burned rice and slightly raw chicken don’t exactly make … Continue reading

Overdue Intro From A New SP Blogger

Yes, my introduction is long overdue. As one of the new Single Parenting bloggers, I’ve wanted to say hello to Jacky Gamble who’s another SP blogger, and to everyone here at, but I’ve been so intently focused on writing informative pieces that this kept slipping my mind. Here I am at last. I’ve been a single parent for about 7 years now. After my second divorce I truly felt it was better to go it alone with my five daughters. It seemed apparent that I hadn’t chosen husbands wisely, so it was high time for me to get out … Continue reading

Cozies, Stray Cats, and Past Dogs: An Interview with Marion Moore Hill

I’m pleased to introduce you to mystery writer Marion Moore Hill. I’ve been trying to coordinate an interview with her for months now, but my efforts were somewhat waylaid by having to tend to affairs with my mom. However, I am pleased to finally bring you this long overdue interview. Enjoy! (And, Marion, thank you so much again for your patience and cooperation.) Courtney Mroch: What kind of things do you write about? (Genre, subject matter, themes, what have you.) Marion Moore Hill: I write traditional, amateur-sleuth mysteries (sometimes called cozies). I do two series, the Scrappy Librarian Mysteries and … Continue reading

Manage Your Library Account Online

Have I mentioned recently that I love my library? Are you sick to death of me bringing it up? Well, I can’t help it – I really have the greatest library on earth. One of the things I like best about it is the ability I have to access it online. Depending on where you live, you might have this option as well – ask your librarian the next time you’re in. When I sit down at my computer, I click on the link that takes me to my library. I love it so much, it’s saved in my favorites … Continue reading

Are You Ready to Quit?

I went to go visit one of my homeschooling forums this morning to discover not one, but four posts from moms who are ready to toss this whole homeschooling thing in the garbage. Their children don’t love it, they don’t love it. . .and well, it’s hard. There’s no ‘mommy time’, there’s tears and fights over school work, and these moms feel like they’re just not reaching their kids. This blog (and maybe a few more) are dedicated to those moms who are ready to throw in the towel on the whole homeschooling thing. Why Did You Start Homeschooling? I … Continue reading

Does Unschooling Really Work?

Mary Ann Romans, asked me in the forums about unschooling and what it was exactly that children learn. How is it that kids will get to being the brilliant and capable people that they can be–if there’s no curriculum? Our Experience With Unschooling The longer I homeschool, the more towards unschooling I lean. Unschooling is not practical where we live and I’ve mentioned before that I in fact have yet to meet someone who lives in this state and unschools. The regulations are simply too demanding and not even creative wording can sneak in true unschooling. However, I’ve written before … Continue reading

How to Calculate Your Due Date

When you learn you are pregnant, the first thing you will wonder is when the baby will arrive. This will also be one of the first questions your family and friends will ask when you share the news. You may be anxious for that first visit with your health care provider, so you will know the due date. You don’t need to wait for your first prenatal visit. You can calculate your due date at home. You can find due date calculators on parenting and pregnancy websites on the internet. These calculators all work in about the same way. You … Continue reading