Pregnancy Increases Your Risk for Just About Everything

Pregnancy makes a woman more susceptible to colds, allergies,and flu complications. Our immune systems are compromised, making it easier to catch illnesses. We often struggle with concentration and balance due to hormones and their effect on our brains and bodies. Pregnant women are also apt to suffer mood swings, aches and pains, and nausea. Pregnancy is the only condition that makes it normal to suffer from so many different symptoms and side effects! Besides the various classic symptoms of pregnancy, you might find yourself at an increased risk for: Developing gum disease. Pregnancy is no time to slack when it … Continue reading

Why Did My Baby Get Thrush?

No one knows. There, satisfied? I’m guessing not. Seriously, though, it can be difficult to pinpoint why babies come down with thrush. There are some things we know for sure concerning thrush. We know that thrush is an overgrowth of the yeast, called candida, found in every person’s body. We know that infants are more susceptible to thrush because their immune systems aren’t fully developed and they are in the process of developing a healthy balance of fungi and bacteria in their bodies. As far as why certain babies get thrush while others do not, there are a lot of … Continue reading

Be Afraid, Thrush. Be Very Afraid.

I wrote yesterday that I’m suspicious my daughter might have thrush. Experienced family members and her pediatrician all think it probably isn’t thrush, but I’m taking some precautions, just to be safe. I emailed a midwife I greatly trust (she delivered both of my older sisters in home births 25+ years ago and is still delivering babies), and got some great advice. She suggested buying a probiotic in capsule form, breaking open the capsule, and dipping my daughter’s binky into the powder. She said that allowing her to suck on the powder would help restore the natural balance of fungi … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Review for October 30 – November 11

A wide range of topics have been covered recently in the Pregnancy Blog. This review is a good place to catch up on any you may have missed. Fill your water glass, sit back and enjoy. As always, I love hearing from readers with requests for future blogs. Your breasts undergo changes throughout pregnancy. There is a good reason for these changes; your body is preparing to feed your baby. Learn more in Breast Changes During Pregnancy. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a condition that affects a large number of women. This includes pregnant women. Some experience symptoms for the first … Continue reading

Thrush in Pregnancy

Many pregnant women experience thrush during pregnancy. Thrush is also known as a yeast infection. If you have never experienced this before, the symptoms include redness, itching and white patches on the affected area. Pregnant women generally experience thrush in the vagina, but it can grow in the mouth as well. There are a few things that are known to contribute to thrush. One is the use of antibiotics. These medications save lives, but are being over used in our society. The antibiotic kills the natural defense we have to candida, which is yeast or thrush. The absence of this … Continue reading

Ear Yeast Infections in Dogs

Two weeks ago my dog alarmed me by revealing, when she was in the process of scratching one of her ears, a series of both large and small scabs inside that ear. I immediately checked both, but only the right ear sported any scabs. Neither ear looked too dirty, nor displayed any immediately obvious signs of mites. Unfortunately, I was visiting friends for the weekend and thus out of town, so because it wasn’t an emergency, I could not seek any veterinary care right away. I used antibiotic ointment on her ears whenever she scratched a scab open (which happened … Continue reading

Underwire Bras are NOT a Breastfeeding Mother’s Friend

A brand-new breastfeeding mother becomes familiar with pain the first weeks following her baby’s birth. Nipples not used to breastfeeding can become excruciatingly tender, especially during the first minute after the baby latches. Before the mother’s body adjusts to the needs and appetite of the new baby, her breasts can become painfully full of milk. Breastfeeding should not, however, begin to hurt when your child is 9 months old. If breastfeeding has been pain-free for quite some time and the pain returns, something is probably wrong. The culprit could be thrush, which causes a burning or itching sensation in the … Continue reading

Valorie’s Breastfeeding Index

Later today I will post a review of the baby blog of 2007 so why does breastfeeding get its own category? Well, in part as an answer to readers who want to read what I’ve written on breastfeeding. I’ve written so much on breastfeeding at this point that you all have asked for an index of sorts so it’s easier to find what you’re looking for. It’s also in part because I’ve become known as the breastfeeding lady. . .guru. . .whatever you want to call it. I’ve been at this breastfeeding business for a long time and many of … Continue reading

Understanding the Language of Breastfeeding

I’ve said it more than once in this blog; the time to learn about breastfeeding is when you are still pregnant. Trying to read through the breastfeeding books when you are exhausted and dealing with a newborn will leave you in tears. Spend some time during your pregnancy taking breastfeeding class, reading books and visiting a La Leche League meeting. When you spend time preparing in advance, you will feel more confident. If an issue does arise, you will probably remember reading about it and will be more likely to feel confident handling the situation. This blog contains some of … Continue reading

The Who, What and Why of Lactation Consultants

Repeatedly in our baby blogs about breastfeeding, we have suggested that you pursue hiring a lactation consultant if you are having problems or if you anticipate that you might. Yet I don’t think any of us have ever blogged about lactation consultants before. So I wanted to take a few minutes and write about why you might want to consider hiring one, who they are, and what types of things they can help you with. Why You Need One Well, you don’t necessarily need one. My first two children were the latch on queen and king of the world. There … Continue reading