Morning Sickness

We’ve been charting my cycles since the beginning of our marriage. First to postpone pregnancy, finally after two years to achieve pregnancy. Thanks to our charts and my basal body temperature, we knew we were pregnant without taking a home pregnancy test. Still we took the test anyway to confirm. The next day morning sickness hit me like a ton of bricks. We had made stir fry for dinner the night before. Just smelling the left overs made me want to vomit. The thought of eating red onions or edamame made me want to yak. The smell of sweet potatoes … Continue reading

Drink a High Protein Fruit Smoothie to Fight Morning Sickness

It can be hard to stomach breakfast when you are pregnant if you are suffering from morning sickness. The last thing you feel like doing is eating. Ironically, eating is the best thing for your morning sickness, provided you eat the right types of food. It used to be that experts always suggested saltine crackers or something similar, and some still do, but recently it has been found that foods high in protein tend to have a bigger impact on morning sickness than foods high in carbohydrates. Many women have good luck with eating fruit as well, so an easy … Continue reading

Morning Sickness or Something Else?

Nausea is a tricky symptom. It can signal just about anything from the flu to indigestion to pregnancy. When you’re trying to get pregnant, every bout of nausea makes you wonder if you’ve finally conceived. You debate whether to reach for the Pepto or the pregnancy test. All too often it ends up being a false alarm. Nausea is so tied to your hormones that any major change can bring it on, even ovulation. Nausea associated with ovulation can really throw a woman off, particularly if she has had irregular or absent periods. It’s easy to mistake it for morning … Continue reading

Kitchen Tips for Morning-Sick Mamas

Do your eyes water more than usual when you chop an onion? Does shaping hamburger into a burger patty make your stomach curl up into a little ball? Do you dread meal time, even when you’re not eating it? Is your family tired of eating cereal because you can’t handle the aromas (or stench) of dinner on the stove? Morning sickness isn’t just triggered by tastes; smells can have you turning green as well. Even if you’re not eating the items on your “make-me-sick” list, you may find cooking them for your family is unbearable. To cope, stop feeling guilty … Continue reading

Tips for Alleviating Morning Sickness

Morning sickness can dampen the joys of finding out you are expecting. Morning sickness, like most pregnancy symptoms, is caused by the increase of hormones in your body, particularly estrogen. You may feel mild to severe nausea, with or without bouts of vomiting. The nausea is not necessarily limited to the morning. Many pregnant women experience morning sickness throughout the day. Some women suffer from morning sickness for a few weeks or months, while others find themselves suffering for the duration of their pregnancy. If you are expecting twins, you may experience more severe morning sickness, due to increased hormone … Continue reading

Still …. Unpacking

Five days after we officially moved in, my adrenaline rush finally wore off and I crashed. My energy was completely sapped. For five days I woke up between 5:30 and 6:30 in the morning. I finally took advantage of my free-er schedule and slept in until 10:00AM. Ooh mistake!! I woke up nauseated. I ate some scrambled eggs and went back to sleep because I felt really gross. I slept for the next three hours. When I woke up again I was still extremely nauseated. I ate a peanut butter sandwich with a glass of water but it didn’t help … Continue reading

Five Things I Couldn’t Live Without During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is all about finding ways to be comfortable and distract yourself, because let’s face it, pregnancy is anything but comfortable. Your hips are killing you, you can’t get a wink of sleep, it’s hard to sit through a movie, and car rides can be intolerable. By focusing on the simple luxuries of life, you can get through the tough parts of pregnancy. Every woman has her own list of favorite things during pregnancy. Here were mine: 1. McDonald’s fish sandwiches. I couldn’t tell you what the lure behind these was, but I could not get enough of McDonald’s fish … Continue reading

Product Review: Mother’s Tranquil Tummy

Recently I had the opportunity to try “Mother’s Tranquil Tummy” crackers from Nature’s Options. They sent me a few boxes of the bite size ginger saltine crackers to test out. Tranquil Tummy crackers are bite size saltine crackers with 250mg of all natural ginger designed to treat nausea due to morning sickness, motion sickness and reactions to medications. They come in little blue single serving packets of twelve crackers each. Each serving is only 45 calories, so it’s unlikely to put a huge dent in your diet, even if you eat four packets in one day (the maximum recommended servings). … Continue reading

Ginger for Nausea

Ginger is a natural way to curb morning sickness. While it may not work for everyone, it was the only thing that seemed to help me. I kept a few ginger chews with me at all times (chewy ginger candy with a powdered sugar coating). You can usually find ginger chews online or in specialty stores. I used to be able to find them at our local Costco World Market before it went out of business. Ginger candy is also available in sucker form, such as Preggie Pops, which you can find at Walgreens or Target. There are other ways … Continue reading

Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Like Mother, Like Daughter?

Some things about pregnancy have nothing to do with genetics. For example, if your mother had a son first, that doesn’t mean you will have a son first. Or if your mother had a ten pound baby, that doesn’t necessarily mean you will have a ten pound baby. Just because your mother had to have a c-section doesn’t mean you will, too. The list goes on! But, some things are linked to genetics. It turns out that if your mother suffered from hyperemesis gravidarum, your risk of developing the same debilitating morning sickness is three times the normal rate. A … Continue reading