The Pregnancy Blog Week in Review for July 1-July 7

Each week in the Pregnancy Blog, I try to cover a variety of topics on all stages of pregnancy, birth and infertility. The Week in Review is a great way to catch up on reading and find the articles that are most relevent for you. As always, I’m very interested in your feedback or suggestions for future blog topics. I’m not Leaking; Will I be Able to Breastfeed? This was a question that caused me to lose sleep during my first pregnancy. Everything I read suggested that I would see colostrum leaking at some point in my pregnancy. This blog … Continue reading

Vehicle Airbags + Pregnant Women + Short Adults = DANGER

A few weeks ago I took my car into a service center to get a belt replaced. When an employee for the shop called to say my vehicle was ready to be picked up I automatically asked, “Is everything okay?” He replied dryly, “Your car’s fine, but the mechanic who worked on it was impaled by your steering wheel.” I had to laugh. I knew exactly what he was referring to—-my small stature, and the fact that I drive with my seat smack up to the steering wheel to reach the pedals. I chuckled then, but shortly after that exchange … Continue reading

Wear Your Seatbelt!

Do you buckle your children in their carseats? Chances are, you answered yes to this question. Do you buckle your own seat belt when you are pregnant? For many women, the answer to that is no, due to fears about the baby being harmed by the seat belt in the event of an accident. It turns out, this is a common worry, particularly as the baby grows large and the head descends in preparation for birth. Researchers at Wake Forest University set out to find the answer to the lingering questions about the potential harm that could happen to an … Continue reading

Do You Wear Your Seatbelt?

Seatbelt safety campaigns have been effective at increasing the number of people buckling up. Studies show that seatbelts save lives. As a result, most states now have laws regarding seatbelts for adults and car seats for babies and young children. In spite of our knowledge of the effectiveness of seatbelts, many pregnant women do not wear them. If they are wearing them, they may not be using the belt correctly. This can endanger both mom and baby in the event of an accident. A study conducted at the University of Michigan supports the use of seatbelts among pregnant women. The … Continue reading