Waiting & Hoping

Some women get pregnant so quickly. It seems their babies barely reach 9 months and they are blessed with another pregnancy! I realize not all women appreciate having their pregnancies so close together, but it really is an advantage to be fertile so soon. Some women have to wait much longer before they are able to conceive again. I am afraid I am going to be one of those women. I know there are other women out there who are in the same boat, so I am going to share my (brief) story. You are not alone, ladies! My son … Continue reading

Diary of a Cat Care B&B: Abandoned!

I was just thinking the other day how I hadn’t had any blog-worthy adventures at work lately. Today I had one! When we showed up for work this morning, I saw a sight I’d been dreading for the past year and more: a cardboard box and a bag of food with a note attached. Inside the box? A pair of cats who had been abandoned at the vet’s office. The box was blocking the door, so I nudged it out of the way in order to get the door open. But when I went to pick the box up, it … Continue reading

Waiting For the Day When I Won’t Worry So Much

I am a worrier. I think I was a worrier before I became a mom, but I definitely know that motherhood has fueled and inspired my ability to worry and I have taken it to great heights and proportions. I keep hoping that the older my kids get, the less I will worry. And, while I’ve developed some coping mechanisms for living with the worry and concern, I’m finding that the further they go out into the world, the more I actually DO worry about them! I was talking with a friend recently who has small, preschool-age children and she … Continue reading

Waiting Productively

Yes, I’m back to the subject of waiting because it’s one I struggle with. If I do, it stands to reason some of you probably struggle with waiting too. As many of you know from previous blogs my husband and I are waiting on the sale of our house to go through, so we can purchase another home in a different area closer to family and to the church where we believe God is calling us. This week we recovered a phone call to say our buyer has applied for a first home buyer’s grant which has held the sale … Continue reading

Owning Less is an Uphill Battle

Lately I have been exploring the idea of owning less–really owning less, cutting down our possessions by up to 70 percent, I can see how having less stuff in our lives would give us less stress. There is less to maintain, less to clean, less to spend money on, less to worry about. Then I try to look at reality. For example, this week, my so needs water shoes for a class trip and my daughter needs a gray shirt for a show she is in at school. Two more possessions that need to come in to the house. The … Continue reading

Romney and Obama Have Different Family Stories

Genealogy is the study of family. This includes research that involves digging through archives, both digital and paper. It also involves the collection of family stories. Often, those stories tell more about a person’s family tree than the vital records will. Mitt Romney and Barack Obama have videos that are vastly different from each other. Each one speaks volumes. Technology is a wonderful thing. Genealogists can now take videos of their family, and send it to relatives that live across the country or around the world. You can take old family photos and create slide shows from them. Genealogists today … Continue reading

iPhone Apps for Home Based Professionals

As I eagerly await the as of yet undetermined day later this month when I will finally be getting an iPhone, I keep thinking of all of the things that I will want to do with it. Since I own and operate a couple of small home-based businesses, I decided to check out iPhone apps that are useful for people like me who work from home. Smartphones like the iPhone and Android are fast becoming important business tools for small and home-based businesses not just because of their portability, but because the ever-increasing number of apps for these devices enables … Continue reading

Buy a Frappuccino – Get Free Music From Starbucks

Summer is the perfect time to get yourself a cold, refreshing, drink, and to listen to some great music while you are enjoying it. Starbucks can help you get both at the same time. Buy a frappuccino, and get ten free songs that you can download from iTunes. I have mentioned many times how much I love Starbucks. I used to go there at least a couple of times a week, but have slowed down a bit lately. I have a wedding to attend later this year, and, like most women, I really want to lose a few more pounds … Continue reading

What Happened to My Patience?

I am so frustrated tonight. It has been about eight months since we started trying to get pregnant with our second child and I received definite confirmation this morning that we were unsuccessful yet again. Isn’t it so hard to wait for pregnancy? I was so fortunate with my first in that it only took us two months. I have some friends who tried for years to get pregnant. What I have learned though, that it is hard to wait when you’ve been trying for two months or twenty four. When you decide you want to have a baby (or … Continue reading

People Begin Boycotting BP

The anger about the BP Gulf oil spill and the amount of time it has taken to come up with a solution to stop the gushing oil as well as clean up what has already been released is mounting. There are Boycott BP groups on Facebook (one has almost 500,000 fans) as well as a picture, which I suspect has been tampered with, of a BP pump sign that says not to leave the pump unattended because you are responsible for spills. Has anyone ever seen that sign at a real gas pump? Still, it shows that people are angry … Continue reading