Reasons Not to Add Your Boyfriend To Your Car Insurance

There are many situations that are perfect for adding your boyfriend too. If you are going to the beach, it will be fun to bring your boyfriend with you. If you are moving, adding your boyfriend to the group of people helping you move can make things a whole lot faster. Adding your boyfriend to your car insurance, however, is not necessarily a good idea. Car insurance companies look at a lot of different factors when they assign a rate to a customer’s auto insurance premiums. One of those factors is the gender of the customer. Women who have good … Continue reading

Wear Your Seatbelt!

Do you buckle your children in their carseats? Chances are, you answered yes to this question. Do you buckle your own seat belt when you are pregnant? For many women, the answer to that is no, due to fears about the baby being harmed by the seat belt in the event of an accident. It turns out, this is a common worry, particularly as the baby grows large and the head descends in preparation for birth. Researchers at Wake Forest University set out to find the answer to the lingering questions about the potential harm that could happen to an … Continue reading

Pregnancy and Your Cell Phone

The other day, I heard a report on CNN recommending that pregnant women limit the use of cell phones. I was in the middle of the morning rush, so I didn’t catch it all and decided to do some research later. The recommendation is based on a study in the US and Denmark on cell phone use and pregnancy. The study was conducted at UCLA in California and at Aarhus in Denmark. This was a large study, looking at nearly 14,000 mothers of children born in the 1990s. The mothers were questioned about their use of cell phones during pregnancy. … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Review April 9-20

In the Pregnancy Blog, I try to cover a variety of topics related to all aspects of pregnancy, conception, birth and the post partum period. The review is a great place to see all the recent blogs in one place. Do You Wear Your Seatbelt? Many pregnant women don’t buckle up, usually due to a fear the seatbelt could injure the baby in the event of an accident. However, wearing a seatbelt can save the lives of both you and your baby. Learn how to wear it correctly in this blog. If you are trying to get pregnant or have … Continue reading

Do You Wear Your Seatbelt?

Seatbelt safety campaigns have been effective at increasing the number of people buckling up. Studies show that seatbelts save lives. As a result, most states now have laws regarding seatbelts for adults and car seats for babies and young children. In spite of our knowledge of the effectiveness of seatbelts, many pregnant women do not wear them. If they are wearing them, they may not be using the belt correctly. This can endanger both mom and baby in the event of an accident. A study conducted at the University of Michigan supports the use of seatbelts among pregnant women. The … Continue reading

Do You Follow Your Own Rules?

How often do you violate our own rules and then wonder why our kids have a hard time following the rules you set? As parents, we sometimes have the attitude that we don’t have to follow our own rules. However, when we do, we send the wrong message to our kids. If we take a lackadaisical attitude toward rules, then our kids won’t feel the need to follow these same rules. Sometimes we violate the rules without even thinking about it or we figure our kids aren’t really paying attention but, let’s face it, our kids watch our every move. … Continue reading

Create a Driving Contract for Your Teen with Type 1 Diabetes

“Mom, can I drive?” It’s one of those questions that gives me a momentary shudder. Maybe because I know my sixteen-year-old son doesn’t have a whole lot of driving experience, and I envision us driving off a cliff. Or maybe it’s because I’m just not emotionally ready for this particular rite of passage in my oldest child’s life. Either way, I’ve learned several techniques for disguising my white-knuckling and shallow breathing. We nervous mothers must appear calm and confident. “Mom, would you relax?” Yeah, right. Teens with juvenile diabetes must be especially cautious as drivers, because symptoms of hypoglycemia, which … Continue reading

Your Influence Over Your Spouse

Do you feel like you have an influence on your spouse? It’s likely that you do, at least in some areas, but is that influence good or bad? Does your spouse use you or your habits as an excuse to do things he or she shouldn’t? Maybe he or she follows your example and has developed more positive habits. If you’re a smoker and your spouse has quit, does your smoking help your mate find excuses to smoke? It’s not really your “fault” since your husband or wife makes a choice, but there is still a certain level of influence. … Continue reading

Keeping Track Of Your Teen Drivers

What is it about teens obtaining their driver’s licenses that make parents’ stomachs churn? My daughter has a few years before she gets behind the wheel, but she’s already getting a taste of what it’s like to be on the receiving end of parents’ concern about their children hitting the highways. We recently visited my parents in Hawaii and every time (I am not exaggerating—every single time) we left their home my dad would follow us out to the garage, give my daughter a hug good-bye and “whisper” (loud enough for me to hear): “Make sure your mommy drives carefully.” … Continue reading

Raise a Child in the Way He Should Go

The biggest question on my mind, as a single parent, is always, am I doing the right thing? Am I making choices that will benefit Hailey. Am I setting a good example, am I teaching my child to be strong, independent and an asset to our society? No one has all the answers, and sometimes, even when you do the right things, things don’t always turn out like you plan. Minute by minute you are making small choices and big decisions that impact your childs life and who they will become. Sometimes we forget how huge the little things are, … Continue reading