The Second Week Post-Partum Part III

My second week post-partum continued into the day after Christmas. While I anticipated having a very low key and largely uneventful day, I was feeling amazingly refreshed and was itching to go shopping. It did not even cross my mind that December Twenty-Sixth was one of the busiest shopping days of the year; I just wanted to go shopping. I picked up one of my younger sisters to accompany me and help with my son (I stilled needed to get my hands on a double stroller to keep both of my children contained and safe). The moment I saw all … Continue reading

Week Twenty Six

I started my twenty sixth week of pregnancy with the determination to severely limit my sugar consumption due to my excessive weight gain at my last prenatal visit. This has been my greatest challenge but it is amazing what a little will power can achieve. Every meal is accompanied by my food journal where everything that I consume is recorded along with a protein and calorie count. This helps me watch my sugar intake and it also helps prevent me from exceeding my (pregnant) daily caloric needs. In light of my commitment to avoid certain foods (in order to keep … Continue reading

Week Twenty Four

Week twenty four began with much welcomed cooler weather which supplied incredible motivation and energy. The sluggishness that the heat tends to impose, particularly on pregnant women, vanished overnight and for the first time in months we were able to turn the air conditioning off and open the windows to air out the house. The days of my twenty fourth week began with cool, almost brisk, breezes making my customary hot breakfast of three eggs and sausage (in the form of an omelet by adding sautéed potato, onion, and red pepper to the mix), and hot latte particularly appealing and … Continue reading

Week Twenty Three

Here we are at week twenty three. The weeks seem to be going by faster and faster now. It is almost astounding that so much can happen in one week and at the time so little. This week I have noticed the baby’s activity increase ten fold. I can almost predict her times of activity and sleep. She is all over the place in my uterus these days twisting, flipping, hiccuping, kicking, elbowing etc. One particular day this week my son was sitting on my disappearing lap and had pressed his elbow into my belly, the baby responded with a … Continue reading

Twenty Weeks

My twentieth week of pregnancy begins with my sister still visiting! At twenty weeks some things have changed but most things have stayed the same. I have made it to the half way point which makes me feel like my pregnancy is official well on its way. Things that are the same include the same basic diet, exercising regularly, the same feelings of loosened ligaments, and the same energy level. My diet has not changed much in the course of my pregnancy. Protein still rules the bulk of my daily calorie intake. The types of proteins I eat vary a … Continue reading

Smackdown of the Week: Pat Sajak vs. Keith Olbermann

Thank goodness for the celebrities that pick fights with each other – it keeps things interesting, doesn’t it? This week’s match is between “Wheel of Fortune” host Pat Sajak and political commentator Keith Olbermann. Sajak has hosted “Wheel of Fortune” for 27 years. Olbermann spent twenty years as a sportscaster, even hosting ESPN’s “SportsCenter” from 1992 until 1997. In 2003, he began hosting “Countdown with Keith Olbermann.” How did the two meet? When Sajak was hosting his short-lived talk show “The Pat Sajak Show” in the late 80s, he had Olbermann on his show. How did the fight start? Well, … Continue reading

Stretches for Weekend Warriors

Many people who work a typical Monday-through-Friday week save their big workouts for the weekends. Maybe it’s a hiking expedition, a tennis tournament, or a trip to the slopes. But if your weekend adventures are leaving you sore and sorry, some weekday stretching might help. If lower-back pain plagues you after a weekend of play, work on strengthening your core. One quick and easy exercise you can try is called the “Superman Raise”. Stretch out on your stomach with your arms and legs spread. Lift and lower arms and legs twenty times, then take a rest. Repeat three times, three … Continue reading

Dinner Discussions 2008 Week 23

This week’s dinner discussions are based on lesson twenty-two for the Primary lessons. All of the other lessons are a week ahead and are based on lesson twenty-three. The fourth of July is coming up and if you live in the U.S. you may want to talk a little bit about that. You can also review the First Presidency message with your children. If you have a child in Nursery or Sunbeams he learned that he could do many things. The children talked about all the things that they have learned to do since they were babies. They talked about … Continue reading

Home Week in Review: April 7 – 13

This week, our collection of articles is listed by subject matter. We hope you find something you can use or something that makes you smile: Building, Changing, or Adding to a Home Should You Hire an Architect? When you are considering a remodel of a room or an addition to your home, it might be a good idea to hire an architect. After all, unless you have experience, you wouldn’t consider designing your own car or even your own formal dress… Don’t miss part two. Other Structures More Tips for Updating a Garage Mary Ann says: “Spring cleaning can also … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Review for Jan 29 – Feb 9

The pregnancy blog has recently covered topics related to infertility, birth, VBAC and other health related topics. If you haven’t been reading or missed something, the pregnancy blog review is a good place to catch up on the recent topics. Fatigue is one of the side effects of pregnancy that women complain about most. A condition such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome compounds the problem. Read more in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Pregnancy. By now, most women have heard that caffeine is not good during pregnancy. There is mounting evidence to support eliminating caffeine from your diet. A recent study confirms … Continue reading