Navel Rings and Pregnancy

About a third of women have their navel pierced at some point, so it stands to reason that having a pierced belly button and being pregnant at the same time can’t be all that uncommon. As you can imagine, trying to keep the jewelry in during pregnancy presents a few problems. Most navel jewelry is not long enough to withstand the amount of stretching that the belly button goes through in late pregnancy, and leaving it in can cause ripping or infection. For those women who wish to keep their piercing during pregnancy, there are special navel rings available that … Continue reading

What a Navel Idea!

I am thinking about belly buttons tonight: specifically, belly buttons and their unique relationship with pregnancy. Our navels go through so much during pregnancy. They are stretched, flattened, and turned inside out to the point that some of them never fully recover. Ever since I had my son, my belly button looks sad. The section of skin above the belly button (the part that is often pierced) droops slightly over my “innie” like a frown. I laugh at it, actually. It is just one of my “mommy badges” that I carry proudly. You probably never gave your belly button much … Continue reading

Healthy Latter-Day Saints

When I look around in my ward, or in other wards I’ve been in, I have thought a lot about how many of us are not taking very good care of ourselves. We are overweight like the rest of the nation, or we don’t exercise and take care of our bodies. As Latter-Day Saints, we should be the healthiest people we know! No matter what the latest fad diet is that is out there, we already have a recipe for success when taking care of our earthly bodies. It is the word of wisdom. The word of wisdom is more … Continue reading

Don’t Be Fooled By Size

Sometimes we can be fooled by thinking the biggest is the best. It ‘Ain’t Necessarily So,’ to quote an old Normie Rowe song from the 1960s. Lately I’ve been having orange juice with breakfast each day in an attempt to build up vitamin C and not end up with colds and flu. Recently we bought some navel oranges. Large and orange they looked beautiful. They were sadly disappointing. One large orange and I was lucky to get even half a glass of orange juice from it. At first I thought it was just me but even with the electric juicer, … Continue reading

The Linea Nigra

Sixteen weeks out and I still have that pesky little brown line trailing up my tummy, cutting around my navel and fading away as it approaches my rib cage. It’s called a linea nigra, and it’s driving me nuts. When it first appeared, I was midway through my third trimester already. I actually thought I wasn’t going to get that classic badge of pregnancy. It was light at first; it darkened in the last few weeks before I gave birth. So what is the linea nigra anyway? Typically appearing during the second trimester, the linea nigra, which is Latin for … Continue reading

Festive Holiday Salads

Growing up you get used to seeing the same dishes served on special occasions. In our family every December 25th my grandma would set out her famous Christmas Salad. It wasn’t topped with holly or filled with candy; rather she relied on fresh cranberries to kick up what eventually became known as Grandma’s Christmas Salad. Interestingly, I know a few other people who have their own versions of Christmas salads and none of those include Christmas-themed ingredients either. Not even so much as a pine nut. But, that’s the beauty of holiday cooking: free interpretation. If you are looking to … Continue reading