Stretch Marks

Your skin is pretty elastic. In many circumstances, your skin can bounce back relatively well from cuts, bruises, scars, or stretching. But when the skin is constantly or too quickly stretched, you may end up with stretch marks. Weight gain and pregnancy are two of the top causes for stretch marks. The dermis — the stretchy middle layer of skin — is where stretch marks occur. At first, stretch marks may appear red or purple in color. With time, they will fade to a pale shade of pink, white, or silver. Stretch marks are most often seen on the stomach, … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Review for September 20-30

Somehow I overlooked the week in review last week. I will review the rest of September’s blogs in this review. The Pregnancy Blog offers useful information on everything from the time you start trying to conceive until you are home, resting and healing with your little bundle of joy. The week in review is a great place to catch up on your reading in one place. What Causes Stretch Marks? This blog covers one of the most annoying and lasting effects of having a baby. Once you understand how stretch marks are formed, the next question is how to get … Continue reading

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are an unfortunate, but normal part of having a baby. Some women are more prone to the marks than others. The elasticity of the skin, family history and ethnicity all play a role in whether or not you will have stretch marks. There are some creams on the market that claim to fade stretch marks. These contain ingredients such as vitamin E, cocoa butter and collagen. The results are questionable. A few may fade them a bit, but it is unlikely that any cream will completely eliminate stretch marks. These creams are most useful for preventing stretch marks. … Continue reading

What Causes Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are a common side affect of pregnancy. Women spend a great deal of time worrying about these marks. Products are sold that claim the ability to prevent or fade the unsightly stretch marks. Before attempting to treat or prevent stretch marks, its important to understand how they are formed. Basically, stretch marks work like they sound. They are caused by tears in the tissues of the skin. These small tears occur in the sub dermal layers of the skin. The connective tissues are usually affected by the stretching of the skin during pregnancy. Stretch marks begin in the … Continue reading

Can You Prevent Stretchmarks?

Pregnant women often wonder if stretch marks can be prevented. These marks occur as a result of the weight gain and skin stretching during pregnancy. The jury is still out on whether they can be prevented, or not. Some women swear that home remedies or controlling weight gain can help prevent stretch marks. Others will get the marks no matter what they do. One way to prevent stretch marks is to control your weight gain. Excessive weight gain will cause more stretch marks. It’s important to keep your weight under control during your pregnancy. A slow and steady weight gain … Continue reading

Never Take Health Care for Granted

I read an interesting and sad article this evening about the high mortality rate among women in India during childbirth. A large number of women die from preventable causes, and the numbers aren’t even accurate, since many of the deaths are not even recorded. Due to a lack of accountability, corruption, and a lack of awareness, many women in India are not receiving the proper care they need, despite the fact that maternal health care is supposed to be free for poor women. Currently our country is divided over health care reform. I understand: I know first hand the staggering … Continue reading

Your Guide to Belly Changes

Most of the visible changes during pregnancy all happen around your midsection. Some changes (a growing bump) are more welcome than others (stretch marks), but all of them fade after birth or disappear all together. If you’re looking for information about the changes you’re seeing, this is the place to look! I’ve gathered some of the best Families blogs on the topic. In no particular order… Stretch Marks Pattie Hughes gives you the scoop on all things related to stretch marks. Check out the links below! What Causes Stretch Marks?: What are stretch marks and how do they get there … Continue reading

Father’s Day

There seems to be some confusion about when, exactly, fatherhood and motherhood begin and with Father’s Day rapidly approaching this topic needs to be addressed. This doesn’t seem to be so confusing for my wife and I because we consider ourselves parents already. My wife’s motherhood is quite obvious as the changes that her body has undergone so far outweigh any notion that she is not already caring and sacrificing for her child: Morning sickness, stretch marks, packing away that favorite pair of jeans and those form fitting tops for donated or used maternity clothes. Fatherhood seems to be a … Continue reading

Skin Tags in Pregnancy

If you have noticed small growths of skin on your body, they may be skin tags. This is just one of the many changes you will notice in your skin during your pregnancy. Skin tags are very common among pregnant women. There are some common areas where skin tags are most likely to appear during pregnancy. Skin tags generally tend to occur in areas where the skin rubs against tight clothing. Under the bra either on your torso or under the arm are common areas where skin tags tend to develop. As you gain weight, clothing tends to become tighter, … Continue reading