Your Amazing Uterus

The title may strike you funny, but your uterus is nothing short of amazing. Not only does it increase to 1,000 times its original size during pregnancy, it is one of the most multifunctional parts of your body. The smooth muscle is responsible for pushing out your baby, contracting during menstruation and may even contract during orgasm (which is why some woman are advised to abstain during their pregnancy if they are at risk for premature labor). It’s likely you never thought much about your uterus until you began your period, started trying to conceive or became pregnant. But for … Continue reading

What is a Tilted Uterus?

A tilted uterus (also called a tipped uterus or retroverted uterus) is when the uterus is slightly tilted backwards. Normally, the uterus is straight and vertical to the pelvis or tipped slightly forward. In some cases, a tilted uterus can make conception more difficult and it may take longer to get pregnant. Actually, the condition is not uncommon. According to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, about one in five women have a tilted uterus. Not all women with a tilted uterus will experience difficulty when trying to conceive. In fact, many will get pregnant with no trouble and … Continue reading

Always Get a Second Opinion

According to a recent news piece in the Irish Times, a woman was told at an early prenatal appointment last year that her baby had died. She was given an abortive drug and set up an appointment to have the fetus removed. When she continued to suffer morning sickness, she decided to get a second opinion. It’s a good thing she went with her gut instinct, because it turned out that the baby was just fine. It’s extremely important, particularly in early pregnancy, to request a follow up scan if the first ultrasound seems to indicate the pregnancy is not … Continue reading

Adenomyosis: My Story Part #1 When Normal Is Different

When my symptoms first started it was easy to consider what was happening as something to be expected. My wonderful sister’s-in-law, long-time-friends, and any woman just slightly older suggested what was happening me–might be “The Change!” After all they had all been told by their gynecologists that they needed hormone replacements and were going through early stages of menopause when they were my age. Some were even younger! So for a long time, I just thought this was what early menopause was like. Never knowing when that time of the month might be. Feeling cramps and horrible discomfort with little … Continue reading