Labor Pains (The Movie)

I just got done watching the ABC Family Sunday night movie starring Lindsay Lohan. “Labor Pains” tells the story of an irresponsible secretary named Thea who works at a publishing firm and blurts out she is expecting when her boss tries to fire her, thinking it will save her job. It does, but the lie forces Thea to fake a pregnancy for the next two months! The lie grows bigger and bigger and so does her belly, thanks to the foam pregnant bellies she has been stealing from the maternity store. Throughout the movie, Thea and her boss are putting … Continue reading

Pregnancy, the Economy, and Your Job

The current economic recession/depression has many people worried about their future job security. This includes pregnant women, who may worry about their health insurance and maternity leave benefits as well as the job. A recent study suggests pregnant women may actually be most at risk of losing jobs during a recession. The study was conducted at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The study’s author looked at this and past recessions in collecting data about employment for pregnant women in times of economic hard ship. During difficult times, pregnant women may be seen as a ‘weak link’ or easily fired. Sometimes … Continue reading

What to do if You Face Pregnancy Discrimination

As I reported in this blog, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has reported an increase in pregnancy discrimination complaints. Many mistakenly believe this type of discrimination no longer happens with laws designed to prevent it. Unfortunately, women are still experiencing pregnancy discrimination in the work place. According to the EEOC, women in fields traditionally dominated by women and women of color are the groups most affected by the increase in complaints. The organization plans a large public awareness campaign in an attempt to reduce pregnancy discrimination. In the meantime, what should you do if you are faced with discrimination … Continue reading

Feel Refreshed Without a Nap

Ideally, pregnant women should nap every day. This is especially important during the first and third trimesters when exhaustion is at its peak. However, napping is not always possible. Mothers to be who work or are home with other children have a difficult time getting rest during the day. If you work full time, there are some things you can do to feel revitalized. The hours after lunch are when most people feel tired at work, whether they are pregnant or not. This time is sometimes referred to as the afternoon slump. When you are expecting a baby, you can’t … Continue reading

Diary of an Overweight Mom: I’m Peeved

If you’ve been following my diary, you may know that I’m trying to lose about 40 pounds or so. I am indeed an overweight mom. I’ve faced my own self-esteem issues more than I’ve faced scrutiny from others, but still, I’ve gotten my fair share of “you poor thing” looks when I’m talking about weight. Today I read a great blog by Myra Turner, one of our Parents bloggers. If you haven’t seen it, you’ve got to check it out. It talked about being too fat to have a baby. This is an issue that is near to my heart. … Continue reading