Videotaping the Birth of Your Baby

Video taping the birth of your baby can be a wonderful memento of the big day. You will be able to share the memories of your baby’s birth for years to come. An added benefit is that the tape can be shared with your baby as he or she gets older and naturally begins to ask questions about the birth. Talk to your doctor if you want to video tape the baby’s birth. Some doctors and hospitals have a policy against video cameras in the delivery room. In this age of lawsuits, doctors fear that tapes can later be used … Continue reading

Too Many Kiddos!

(This is my attempt to write a little humor without the list format. The fact that I am providing an intro to clarify that is, of course, a bad sign. Still, I want to make sure no one thinks I am just ranting like a crazy person. I am crazy, I’m just not ranting. Much.) Why is it that wherever I go, people think I have too many kids? I only have four – and the fourth is only a recent addition, so most of my experience comes from three – but from the way people point, gawk, and stare, … Continue reading

When Your Uterus is Deformed

I’ve had three very successful homebirths, but my fourth baby was breech and all efforts to turn him failed. Going in for a c-section was a little frightening to me, but I was grateful for the life-saving alternative. Little Benjamin was delivered quickly and whisked away to get cleaned up, and while I oh, so gracefully, reclined on the operating table, numb from the chest down, my doctor proceeded to finish up with me. “Did you know you have a heart-shaped uterus?” she asked me. When I replied that I’d had no idea, she explained to me that I have … Continue reading

Emotional Recovery After a C Section

Much has been written about the physical recovery period after a cesarean section. For some women, the emotional recovery after the c section takes much longer. This is especially true in emergency situations where the natural flow of the labor was quickly lost to the hurried atmosphere of the operating room. Just as with every aspect of pregnancy and birth, each woman has a unique experience after a c section. Many are able to move on and aren’t emotionally scarred from the experience. These women tend to view the c section as a necessary evil and don’t mourn the loss … Continue reading