La La La I’m Not Listening …. Your Unwanted Advice on My Pregnancy

If it seems like the moment that you announced your pregnancy (or your growing belly announced it for you) coincided with a seemingly unending flow of “advice” from everyone and anyone, you are not alone. For some reason, there is just something about the sight of a pregnant woman that makes people unable to refrain from sharing nuggets of “wisdom” with her even if they have no idea who she is. Of course, pregnancy is not the only time that you will be bombarded with unwanted advice. Just try taking your newborn to the grocery store without a hat on, … Continue reading

Are Your Shoes Making Your Home Dirty?

Do you know how most dirt and contaminants get into your home? You carry them in on your shoes. Think about all the places you walk in a normal day. When you cross a street all the road dirt from car exhaust, oil, other leaking engine fluids and whatever is on peoples tires get on your shoes. Walking down the side walk you may walk through dog urine, dried vomit, spilled food and drinks, among other things. When you walk across grass you shoes pick up whatever pesticides and fertilizers were used to keep that grass green and lush. Then … Continue reading

Where Are Your Baby Boundaries?

It all begins when they begin to rub your belly without asking, and it continues into babyhood and beyond. Babies are so cute. People love to cuddle them, touch their cheeks and their feet, and even feed them. But where are your baby boundaries? What makes you say, “Stop! Enough!” For me it was crying. My daughter loved to be held, and she usually wanted me to hold her. Yes, it was sometimes all right if a different person held her, but most of the time she needed me. Also, she was permanently attached to me as a food source … Continue reading

The Importance of Touch

What is generally the quickest way to sooth a baby? Pick her up of course! Touch plays such an important part of the parent-child bond, not to mention its almost miraculous ways of reducing stress, lowering blood pressure and producing feel good hormones. While many people may not agree with me, I am a big believer in carrying your baby and maintaining physical contact as much as possible. True, your baby need some time to explore on her own, but for very young babies, especially, there is nothing like human contact. Numerous studies have shown that touch is as necessary … Continue reading

Create Your Own Photo Blog

If your inclination leads more to images instead of words, or if you just don’t have the time involved to create a traditional written blog, why not consider a photo blog? Photos can have a major impact. They can communicate loudly to others, help you keep in touch with family and friends and may even win you an award or two. Here are some guidelines to cresting your own photo log. First determine the parameters of your photo blog. Blog that have a theme or a direction (even if that direction is eclectic) always do better. People viewing the blog … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Review for November 24 – 30

A wide variety of topics have been covered recently in the pregnancy blog on everything from trying to conceive to discomforts in later pregnancy. If you haven’t been able to keep up with your reading, the pregnancy blog review is a great way to browse the recent topics. Click each link to view the entire blog. Some women find they are hungry much more than usual when they are pregnant. Indulging this hunger without thinking about nutrition can lead to excessive weight gain. This increases your chances of complications in the pregnancy and makes losing the weight after pregnancy much … Continue reading

When People Touch Your Belly

The strangest thing happens once you start showing. People seem unable to resist touching a pregnant belly. At no other point in life will strangers approach you and try to touch your stomach. For some reason, some have no problem invading the personal space of a stranger to touch her stomach. If you are lucky, the stranger will ask before touching. Even this can be awkward. How do you say “no” in a polite way? Personally, I wouldn’t worry too much about politeness. After all, the question isn’t very polite, is it? Well, it could be worse. Some don’t even … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Handling Unwanted Belly Comments

I am very lucky to be with a man that finds the pregnant body sexy and beautiful. And he’s not the only one: Men in most cultures find fertility very attractive, leading the women to flaunt it in its many forms, especially pregnancy. Coming home to this kind of acceptance had a profound impact on my self-image during what was a very large pregnancy for me. This was especially true with all the unwanted, sometimes rude comments I received due to my large belly. I found respite in talking to my fiancé about how upset they made me. I’m not … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Handling Unwanted Belly Touching

I for one find the pregnant belly a very beautiful thing, and I’m sure that I’m not alone in my sentiments. We’ve all experienced the stranger in the grocery store coming up to us and rubbing our belly affectionately, practically bursting with bubbly joy. Women especially just love to gush about how wonderful it is to be bringing a new baby into the world. It’s as if by touching your belly they feel like they are already touching a soft little baby hand. Sure, I loved showing off my big belly. And I also loved sharing the news and talking … Continue reading

Go Ahead, You’re Pregnant

When you are pregnant, you may notice that people seem to treat you differently. Strangers hold doors open for you, and other strangers try to touch your growing belly. People you do not know and have never met ask you when you are due. Everyone seems to have something to say to you or do for you. It can feel a bit strange at first, but it can actually be kind of fun and freeing to embrace the whole “pregnant thing” and get away with things that you would not if you weren’t pregnant. For example, although the concept of … Continue reading