When Should You Start Building the Nursery?

There are three types of parents in this world: those that build a nursery when they build a house (before they conceive), those that build a nursery during pregnancy, and those that build a nursery after the baby comes home. Maybe that is not a fair way to categorize parents, but I have seen all three scenarios. In my humble opinion, setting up a nursery before you conceive is either setting yourself up for heart break when you don’t conceive (right away or ever), or it’s a waste of a perfectly good room in your house (unless it doubles as … Continue reading

Buy, Buy Baby?

Preparing for a new baby can be expensive. When I was preparing for the birth of my son, I was confused and overwhelmed by the seemingly endless array of baby products that are available. Friends and family wanted me to register for baby shower gifts, and so I did but I really had no idea whether we really needed all of the things that I was picking out. Fortunately, I did a good job of guessing (mostly) and chose things that ended up working well for us. After my son was born, I realized that we had chosen to forego … Continue reading

Homeschool Co-ops

Homeschool Co-ops are one way where many parents are choosing to meet their children’s social and/or academic needs. Co-ops can range in anything from offering one or two classes to a full day with a complete schedule that has classes for everyone. If you’re home school group doesn’t have one, you can start one fairly easily. A Defined Purpose Good groups have a defined purpose. You can walk in or pick up a brochure and you’re immediately aware of what the purpose is. Sometimes the purpose is to have a social outlet. Sometimes it’s to trade expertise in a variety … Continue reading