When Will You Ovulate Again?

When you first start getting your period again after having a baby, or when you’re just getting off birth control, the big question that lays heavily on your mind is when you will start ovulating again. You may not realize, but you can get your period without ovulating. A period is not a sure sign that ovulation is happening. (Now, if you are ovulating, you must get your period unless you conceive.) For me, the answer to this question has been a big mystery. For one, it took “forever” for my cycles to come back. My son was 18 months … Continue reading

Are You About To Ovulate?

When you’re trying to get pregnant, timing is everything. Trying to “catch the egg” is kind of like playing that penny pusher game at the carnival (you know, the one where you have put push coins through the slot to land on the conveyor in just the right spot to push a prize off the edge the next time the bar slides forward?). It’s easy to miss ovulation. You may not even get pregnant if you nail it, either. Sometimes, trying to get pregnant month after month feels like you are wasting your coins. Statistically speaking, you have about a … Continue reading

Boost Your Chances of Conception?

The study was conducted on intrauterine insemination treatments. Twenty-seven percent of women who lay down for 15 minutes after the procedure went on to have a baby, which is pretty good compared to the seventeen percent who got up and moved around. The evidence supports the commonly held idea that lying still will give sperm a fighting chance. As I was reading about this study, which was conducted in the UK, I naturally began to wonder if this same principle really does apply to “natural” attempts at conception. I’ve candidly discussed positions before on this blog, and concluded that it … Continue reading

How to Determine When You Ovulate Through Charting

These days, many women use ovulation predictor kits to determine when they ovulate while trying to conceive. These kits can run from $17 for a 7-test kit that you can only use once, to $150 or more for a fertility monitor you use over and over with disposable test sticks. Fortunately there is a tried and true method that doesn’t involve expensive test strips. All you need is a basal body temperature (BBT) thermometer and graph paper (or a computer). About Your Fertility Signs: Your monthly cycle is comprised of your monthly period, the follicular phase, ovulation and the luteal … Continue reading

What Happened to My Patience?

I am so frustrated tonight. It has been about eight months since we started trying to get pregnant with our second child and I received definite confirmation this morning that we were unsuccessful yet again. Isn’t it so hard to wait for pregnancy? I was so fortunate with my first in that it only took us two months. I have some friends who tried for years to get pregnant. What I have learned though, that it is hard to wait when you’ve been trying for two months or twenty four. When you decide you want to have a baby (or … Continue reading

Returning Fertility While Breastfeeding

When you’re trying to get pregnant, the sight of your menstrual period can be disappointing, even devastating sometimes. But for mothers who breastfeed and are beginning to think about getting pregnant again, a period is a welcome sign of returning fertility. A few women ovulate before their period returns, and that is why people will always warn you to use birth control while nursing if you don’t want to get pregnant, but for most the first period indicates that ovulation is on its way. It’s not very often a woman wishes for her period, but this is definitely one of … Continue reading

Post Partum Birth Control Options

Whether this is your first or last baby, you may be thinking about birth control options. If you are still pregnant, you may not be thinking about it yet. It may be time to start since most health care providers bring up this subject during your post partum visit. You have many options for birth control. The pill is the product most women think of when they think about birth control. There are many other options in addition to the pill. One of the major factors in your birth control decision will be how you are feeding your baby. If … Continue reading

Fertility Medications: Clomid

If your doctor has discussed infertility drugs as a possibility, you have probably heard the name Clomid. This drug is the most popular brand name of the drug clomiphene citrate. Another popular name is Serophene. Both are the same medication and are used for infertility. Clomid works by assisting in ovulation. Irregular ovulation or not ovulating at all is the most common infertility problem. These drugs help the body to ovulate, which will make conception possible. Doctors will often prescribe a trial cycle of Clomid for patients with irregular menstrual cycles. Irregular cycles are a sign that the body is … Continue reading

Commentary: Sue Happy Society–Who Is Liable?

It seems you can’t turn around without hearing about some kind of lawsuit or another for some reason. It wasn’t that long ago when people assumed responsibility for their own actions. Now it’s common to hear stories of people winning multi-million dollar settlements for smoking or spilling hot coffee on their laps because they can’t get out of the car and drink their morning coffee at a table. While big business is always subject to lawsuits and often end up on the losing side even when logic tells the public that the person suing should have known better, or brought … Continue reading

The Rules of Natural Child Spacing

We have already discussed that breastfeeding is an effective means of birth control. But just like any other form of birth control, you have to play by the rules in order for it to be effective. Rule #1–Menstrual Cycles If you are one of those women whose menstrual cycle returns right after giving birth, breastfeeding will not work for you as a means of birth control. It is rare that this is the case, but some women just require very, very high levels of prolactin in their blood in order to suppress ovulation. Rule #2–Babies More than 6 months old … Continue reading