Causes for Not Losing Weight

Despite changing your eating habits and exercising on a regular basis, you may be experiencing the frustration of not losing weight or even worse, putting on a few pounds. This can lead you to believe that your fitness changes aren’t really making a difference. But hold on…there may be some explanations for it that you need to explore. For instance, we know that eating salty or sugary foods can put on the pounds. But we fail to recognize other factors that can also contribute to weight gain, with one of them being stress. Yes, stress can cause you to gain … Continue reading

Fitness Is Good for Your Health

While many of us look at fitness as a way to lose weight or tone up, we cannot underestimate another benefit to it. Fitness is good for your health. The reason I think this is important to focus on is because there are many out there who have tried fitness and for whatever reason, it hasn’t led to significant weight loss. Sometimes it is a matter of metabolism, your age or if you are a woman, going through a hormonal stage such as menopause. There are times, particularly once you get older, that losing weight becomes difficult no matter how … Continue reading

Is Birth Control Sabotaging Your Fitness Goals?

If you are using oral birth control, it may be, without you even realizing it. A new study found that oral contraceptive use impairs muscle gains in young women, and is associated with lower hormone levels. That’s a shocking find, especially for active young women, who are looking to improve their fitness performance while taking oral birth control. Researchers at Texas A&M University and the University of Pittsburgh studied 73 healthy women between the ages of 18-31 for 10 weeks. During the study the women were broken up into two groups and completed whole-body resistance exercise training. The first group … Continue reading

Weight Loss: Accountability and the Buddy System

For most people losing weight is a challenge, a good challenge. For most of us it takes a lot of effort for those pounds to roll off. The main reason that so many of us fail at losing weight is due to inconsistency. We cannot maintain our willpower long enough to see any kind of significant results. When we do not see the pounds coming off we then become discouraged and fall off of the wagon, so to speak. In order to lose one pound of weight we have to decrease our caloric intake and increase our exercise burning capacity … Continue reading

Can You Breastfeed While You’re Pregnant?

As I discovered yesterday on a thread in the forums, there is a lot of misinformation regarding whether or not you can breastfeed while you’re pregnant. Many doctors in fact tell their patients that you cannot breastfeed while you’re pregnant as it causes miscarriage. Some other misinformation also includes that breastfeeding during pregnancy can cause low birth weight babies. Finally, there’s always the idea that you won’t be able to make enough milk for the new baby and supply enough nutrients to the growing fetus. Since someone asked, I thought I’d take a closer look at each of these arguments … Continue reading

Weight a Minute! The Hair of the Dog

When someone has a hangover and drinks just a little more whiskey to help them get over it, they’ll sometimes refer to that as “having some of the hair of the dog.” The full expression is “the hair of the dog that bit me,” hearkening back to days when you’d take a hair from your enemy and create a potion to destroy them. Essentially, what they’re doing is slowing the cleanse enough so they can handle it. Well, as you’ll recall from last week’s post (you did read last week’s post, didn’t you? Well, go do it!) I’ve gone off … Continue reading

The Three Things You Need to Know to Achieve and Sustain Weight Loss

We’re always looking for a magic cure to weight loss. If this statement weren’t true, then the new drug Alli wouldn’t be flying off the shelves. As a society, we tend to look for quick fixes. Surely it cannot be as simple as diet and exercise. . .or can it? A researcher at the University of Colorado has poured over dozens and dozens of research papers and has put forth 3 ‘truths’ if you will for weight loss. Here are the three magic bullets that you need to know before you begin a weigth loss journey. If you are morbidly … Continue reading

Sebaceous Cysts: What You Should Know

For the last couple of years, I’ve had a little lump just under the skin on my shoulder. I didn’t think much of it; with all this extra weight I’m carrying, lumps mean cellulite, right? Recently it began rubbing against my bra strap and bothering me, and I noticed it was getting larger. It was well past time to see the doctor. He took a look and told me it wasn’t cellulite. Cellulite is usually a little squishy, and this lump was hard. It was, he said, a sebaceous cyst, and then he proceeded to tell me what that meant. … Continue reading

The Effect of Weight on Fertility

Your weight can have an impact on your fertility. Both overweight and underweight women suffer from irregular periods and a lack of ovulation. If you suspect this problem, see your doctor for an evaluation. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is used to calculate the individual woman’s weight and height to determine if she has a weight issue that may interfere with fertility. Being significantly overweight can have a negative impact on your menstrual cycle. Obesity is a factor in a common infertility problem known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Women with PCOS don’t ovulate regularly and tend to have very … Continue reading

Keeping Motivated While Reaching Your Goal

If you’ve had a setback, reached a plateau, or have a craving, it’s okay. It’s normal; most of us who have struggled with weight loss have had the same issues. Don’t get stuck on the negative. You are your biggest cheerleader because you have something to gain. Some of us want better health, a better self-image, or to look fabulous for some event. Whatever the reason you’ve chosen to lose, keep that image with you at all times. You want that image to keep you on the right track, but don’t stress or beat yourself up, when things are not … Continue reading