What to Know about the Glow

Glow sticks are extremely popular this time of year.  You can find kids sporting them at summer fireworks shows, evening baseball games, backyard barbeques and during bike rides at dusk.  My 8-year-old loves to bend them into bracelets, necklaces and headbands and wear them while we stroll along the beach after sunset. While I’m game for the glow, other parents are not as thrilled to see their kids playing with the popular, yet potentially poisonous neon sticks.  Many moms and dads question the contents of glow sticks.  After all, if the liquid inside the sticks can make plastic light up like … Continue reading

Mediterranean Diet Wins Glowing Reviews

It seems as if people are always looking for the perfect diet.  But, it often alludes us.  We either feel deprived of food or don’t want to eat what we can have.  Worse yet, there are the diets that just don’t work! For years, I have been hearing good things about the Mediterranean diet.  This is the diet primarily followed by people that live in the southern regions of Italy, Greece, and Spain.  It includes a lot of fruit and vegetables along with olive oil, legumes, unrefined cereals, fish, dairy, meat (but not red), and yes, even wine.  The diet … Continue reading

Summer Glow

My 7-year-old is obsessed with glow sticks. Forget about capturing fireflies and giving them a spacious glass home to reside in; my kid is all about shaking, breaking and wearing cheap neon sticks that double as summer evening accessories. Granted, the sticks are very affordable. In fact, you can stock up on them right now at various Dollar Stores nationwide. Some locations are even selling them for 50 cents a pack. Of course, if your children are like my daughter, then connecting glow sticks with plastic fasteners to create necklaces, headbands, anklets and bracelets is simply not enough. Rather, as … Continue reading

Basking in the Post-Holiday Glow

Does your home still look like this? If it does, then you have my heartfelt thanks… and that of my young daughter who is utterly enchanted by outdoor holiday light displays. Big, bright and gaudy is best, in her book. While there are many of you, who strip your homes of festive knickknacks and toss out your Christmas tree by noon on December 26th, I happen to appreciate folks who keep the holiday spirit glowing well into January. Why yes, I am one of them. And no, I don’t throw up an extra string of red lights in early February, … Continue reading

Glow-in-the-Dark Cats Fight AIDS

The other week I saw an animal story all over the internet, from geeky blogs to big news sites: researchers have developed glow-in-the-dark cats as part of their efforts to combat AIDS. Your first reactions are likely similar to mine: a combination of “wait, what?” and “what are they doing to those poor kitties?” Animal testing is always a tricky issue, but in this case no cats have yet been harmed and the research is not only for a very worthy cause for humans, but for cats as well. There is a feline version of HIV and that’s with what … Continue reading

You Call This Glow?

My skin was really nice while I was pregnant… but not until I was well into my second trimester. I remember looking at my newly broken out complexion and wondering to myself, “where in the world is this glow all those women raved about?” I was looking in the mirror and I didn’t see it. I faked it with makeup and bronzer and no one knew the difference. When I finally got into my second trimester, when estrogen levels normally increase, I got some relief. The surge of first trimester hormones are to blame, increasing oil production and causing a … Continue reading

Meet a Families.com Blogger – Mary Ann Romans!

We are pleased to have freelance writer Mary Ann Romans with us here today. She is the third blogger to join us in our look at the writers that make up the Families.com family. Mary Ann, thanks for joining us! How long have you blogged for Families.com? My first blog on Families.com was in December of 2006. At the moment, I have more than 1260 individual blog posts. How cool is that! What topics do you blog about? I cover Frugal Living, which is so much fun because finding new ways to save money really exercises the brain cells. It … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Week in Review for October 19-27

A wide variety of topics have been covered recently in the pregnancy blog. If you haven’t been reading, this is a good place to catch up. Professional and at home tooth whitening has become really popular in the last few years. You may be wondering if certain procedures are safe during pregnancy. Learn more about it in Is it Safe to Whiten Teeth in Pregnancy? Regular chriopractic care has benefits for pregnant women. There are benefits for labor as well. Read more in The Benefits of Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy Eating Disorders in Pregnancy pose serious health risks to both … Continue reading

Bloggers for Hire

Bloggers are changing the world. Once upon a time the big media outlets – television and newspapers – were the ones who owned all the information. Noam Chomsky, U.S. media and foreign policy critic, remarked, “the media serve the interests of state and corporate power, which are closely interlinked, framing their reporting and analysis in a manner supportive of established privilege and limited debate and discussion accordingly.” It is this interlinking relationship between traditional media and the powers-that-be that brings questions of murky motivations behind your “fair and balanced” TV news. Blogging has leveled the playing field. Anyone with a … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review for Jan 20-26

Good morning, if you noticed a curious lack of the marriage blog week in review, I have to plead guilty. I wrote most of it, but yesterday, my daughter had a birthday party and we went out together to attend. It was a roller skating party and for those of you who follow my fitness blog posts, you know that my daughter and I have been roller-skating a great deal frequently, well we enjoyed ourselves roller-skating, but I was whipped after an hour and half on the skates and my legs felt like spaghetti. I’ll talk more about that in … Continue reading